Annual Report 2008–09
31 學 術 發 展 Academic Development 工商管理學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Business Administration • 工商管理碩士課程學生於二零零九年五月舉 辦第三屆企業社會責任研討會,主題為「以 企業社會責任打造可持續的競爭力」,提倡承 擔社會責任對企業持續發展的長遠利益及重 要性。 For the third year in a row, CUHK MBA Students organized the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Conference in May 2009. With the theme of ‘Creating Sustainable Impact—CSR as a Competitive Edge’, the conference was aimed at advocating the importance of corporate social responsibility in the long-term success and sustainability of enterprises. • 中大行政人員工商管理碩士課程於《金融時 報》二零零八年行政人員工商管理碩士課程 排名中,名列全球第十一位及亞太區獨辦課 程第一位。在所有獨辦課程中,該課程由二零 零三年起連續六年蟬聯亞太區第一,更由二 零零一年起連續八年雄踞亞洲第一。 CUHK’s EMBA Programme was ranked No.11 worldwide and No.1 Independent EMBA in the Asia-Pacific in the 2008 global ranking by Financial Times . Among all the independent programmes in the Asia-Pacific, CUHK EMBA was ranked top from 2003 to 2008 for six consecutive years. Among all the independent programmes in Asia, the programme was ranked top from 2001 to 2008 for eight consecutive years. 全球首名徒步到南北極的著名英國極地探險家羅伯特.斯旺任 企業社會責任研討會主講嘉賓 Robert Swan, a renowned polar explorer and the first person in history to walk through both the North and South Poles, giving his keynote speech at the CSR conference • 教學酒店項目的酒店設施部分於二零零九年 二月試業,該項目的教學設施部分則預計於 二零一零年初落成,提供一萬平方米面積的 世界級會議設施,以及媲美著名的康乃爾大 學酒店管理學院的教育設備。 The hotel facilities component of the Teaching Hotel Project launched a soft opening in February 2009. The project also has a teaching facilities component due for completion in early 2010. It will include 10,000 m 2 of world-class conference and teaching facilities comparable to those of the famous School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University. 企業社會責任研討會全體工作人員 Core working team of the CSR Conference 2009 教學酒店項目教學設施部分 Teaching facilities component of the Teaching Hotel Project i D l m nt
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