Annual Report 2017–18

32 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2017–2018 世界建築大獎 建築學院吳恩融教授帶領的「一專一村」團 隊,其設計夯土農宅奪得2017年度世界建築 節年度建築大獎,以及《建築評論》2017年 度居住建築大 獎 。此農宅糅合傳統與現代建 築設計,是穩固、廉宜抗震夯土樓房的典範。 腸胃病學翹楚 醫學院沈祖堯教授,2017年10月於德國柏林 獲頒「國際Herbert Falk大獎」。沈教授專門 研究涵蓋克隆氏症及潰瘍性結腸炎的慢性 炎症性腸病。其研究團隊正探討微生物群與 克隆氏症及潰瘍性結腸炎的關係。 知名數學家獲獎 中大博文講座教授及數學科學研究所所長丘 成桐教授獲頒「馬塞爾 • 格羅斯曼獎」,以嘉 許他的學術成就。丘教授是第一位華人數學 家獲得此榮譽,頒獎典禮2018年7月初於羅 馬第十五屆馬塞爾 • 格羅斯曼會議上舉行。 獎項及榮譽 Awards and Kudos 教研人員憑着創造力和勤奮,贏得盛譽。 The accolades earned by our staff and researchers represent a tribute to their ingenuity and industry. World Building of the Year The One University One Village team, led by Prof. Edward Ng of the School of Architecture, designed a rammed-earth house that won the World Building of the Year at the World Architecture Festival 2017 and the Architectural Review House Award 2017. The house is a combination of both modern and traditional architectural designs, and serve as a prototype for sturdier and more affordable anti-seismic rammed-earth houses. Contributions to Gastroenterology Lauded Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung of the Faculty of Medicine received the prestigious International Herbert Falk Award 2017 in Berlin in October 2017. Professor Sung specializes in chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), in particular the role played by microbiome in Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis, the two subtypes of IBD. Famed Mathematician Recognized Prof. Yau Shing-tung, Distinguished Professor-at-Large and Director of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, received the Marcel Grossmann Award in recognition of his academic achievements. Professor Yau is the first-ever Chinese mathematician to have won this award. The prize presentation ceremony took place at the 15th Marcel Grossmann Meeting in Rome in early July 2018. 沈祖堯教授 Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung 吳恩融教授 Prof. Edward Ng 丘成桐教授 Prof. Yau Shing-tung