Annual Report 2017–18
10 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2017–2018 截至2018年6月30日,大學總資產淨值進一 步增長百分之八點八或十六億二千二百萬 港元至二百億七千萬港元。總投資亦温和上 升六億九千五百萬港元或百分之八點七至 八十六億九千一百萬港元,主要來自投資重 估收益、額外資金投放在持有至到期日債 券,以及限責合夥投資。現金及銀行短期存 款增加百分之五點二至九十九億一千一百萬 港元,當中百分之九十九存放在定期存款, 充分利用利率攀升的優勢。 截至2018年6月30日,大學的固定資產帳面 淨值為六十一億三百萬港元,温和上升百分 之五點六或三億二千三百萬港元,主要為興 建賽馬會研究生宿舍第二座和第三座,以及 為中文大學專業進修學院於尖沙嘴購置總辦 事處。以政府或政府機構附帶條件撥款購置 的固定資產,其帳面淨值將列入遞延資產基 金內。截至2018年6月30日,遞延資產基金亦 上升百分之五點五至三十六億八百萬港元。 總結2017至18年度的營運表現,基金總額為 二百億七千萬港元,當中二十六億七千萬港 元為一般及發展儲備基金,十四億四千萬港 元為教資會配對補助基金,一百五十九億六 千萬港元為專用基金;基金總額可支持大學 的長遠發展,達成各項策略目標和使命。 2018年標誌着大學領導層的重要變動。大 學歡迎生物醫學界傑出科學家段崇智教授 接替沈祖堯教授出任香港中文大學第八任 校長。在沈教授高瞻遠矚的領導下,大學跨 越多個里程碑,包括回復四年制本科課程、 成功設立香港中文大學(深圳)及啟動建立 私家醫院項目。 大學歡迎財政司司長在2018年2月發表的財 政預算案中,提出撥款二十五億港元,為十 間政府資助的大專院校推行第八輪配對補助 金計劃。雖然補助金計劃詳情仍未出台,但 大學將會凝聚社會各界慈善捐獻文化,同心 協力策劃籌款工作,務求籌募更多私人捐款 以鞏固大學的策略性發展。 The University’s net assets increased by 8.8% or HK$1,622 million to HK$20.07 billion as at 30 June 2018. Total investments increased moderately by HK$695 million or 8.7% to HK$8,691 million, arising from the revaluation gain and additional investments in held-to- maturity bonds and limited partnership. The cash and short-term deposits increased by 5.2% to HK$9,911 million, 99% of which was placed in time deposits to take advantage of interest hikes. The net book value of fixed assets built up to HK$6,103 million as at 30 June 2018, a moderate increase of 5.6% or HK$323 million, mainly due to the construction of the Jockey Club Postgraduate Halls 2 & 3 and the acquisition of a new office premises in Tsim Sha Tsui for the headquarters of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. For assets acquired by funds from the government or government agencies with conditions attached, the balances of their aggregate net book value were treated as deferred capital funds. The total amount in deferred capital funds increased by 5.5% to HK$3,608 million as at 30 June 2018. Taking into account the operating results achieved for the financial year 2017–18, the General and Development Reserve Fund stood at HK$2.67 billion, the UGC matching grants fund at HK$1.44 billion, and the total restricted funds at HK$15.96 billion, with an aggregate total of HK$20.07 billion to support the University’s long-term development in meeting its strategic goals and missions. 2018 marked a change in the leadership of the University. The University welcomes Prof . Rocky S. Tuan, an eminent biomedical scientist, as its eighth Vice-Chancellor, succeeding Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung. Under Professor Sung’s visionary leadership, the University achieved many milestones, including the reversion to the four-year undergraduate programme, successfully established The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and initiated the private teaching hospital project. The University welcomes the Financial Secretary’s proposal in his Budget Speech in February 2018 to allocate HK$2.5 billion for the launch of the Eighth Matching Grant Scheme for 10 publicly funded post-secondary education institutions. While details of the Scheme are yet to be released, the University will capitalize on the philanthropic culture of the community and orchestrate its fundraising effort to solicit more private donations to reinforce its strategic initiatives and development. 財務狀況 Financial Position
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