Annual Report 2017–18
99 附錄 Appendices 校友 Alumni 名列2018年香港特別行政區授勳及嘉獎名單的中大校友 CUHK Alumni on the 2018 HKSAR Honours List 銀紫荊星章 Silver Bauhinia Star 立法會議員蔣麗芸女士 The Honourable Chiang Lai-wan, Ann, Member, Legislative Council 前商業電台新聞及公共事務總監陳淑薇女士 Ms. Chan Suk-mei, May, Former Director of News and Public Affairs, Commercial Radio 香港城市大學校董會主席黃嘉純先生 Mr. Huang Lester Garson, Chairman of the Council, City University of Hong Kong 紀律部隊及廉政公署卓越獎章 Distinguished Service Medal for Disciplined Services and the ICAC 香港警務處行動處處長鄧炳強先生 Mr. Tang Ping-keung, Director of Operations, Hong Kong Police Force 前香港警務處助理處長(刑事)鍾兆揚先生 Mr. Chung Siu-yeung, Former Assistant Commissioner (Crime), Hong Kong Police Force 廉政公署社區關係處處長伍國明先生 Mr. Ng Kwok-ming, Raymond, Director, Community Relations, ICAC 銅紫荊星章 Bronze Bauhinia Star 佛教孔仙洲紀念中學校長莫仲輝先生 Mr. Mok Chung-fai, Rex, Principal, Buddhist Hung Sean Chau Memorial College 監警會委員關治平工程師 Ir. Kwan Chi-ping, Edgar, Member, Independent Police Complaints Council 香港輪椅劍擊代表余翠怡女士 Miss Yu Chui-yee, Wheelchair Fencer of Hong Kong 香港科技園公司董事局主席查毅超博士 Dr. Chai Ngai-chiu, Sunny, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation 銅英勇勳章 Medal for Bravery (Bronze) 政府飛行服務隊三級空勤主任曾志浩先生 Mr. Tsang Chi-ho, Air Crewman Officer III, Government Flying Service 政府飛行服務隊三級空勤主任廖貴興先生 Mr. Liu Kwai-hing, Air Crewman Officer III, Government Flying Service 附錄 Appendix VII
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