Annual Report 1998-99
機械人護士 Hospita l Transpor t Robo t 機械人護士是由機械與自動化工程學系開發的,用以幫助護士在醫院內運送文件、藥物、血液樣本等,並會於二 零零零年春在沙田威爾斯親王醫院試用。 機械人護士的記憶系統裡有醫院的平面圖,並備有紅外線壓力及超聲波感應器、衝擊感應器及立體視的能力, 可以自主地在指定路線上行走,也懂得避開障礙物;每次充電,可工作六小時,協助減輕繁重的人手搬運工 作,讓醫護人員有更多時間照料病人。硏究小組現正積極加強機械人護士的能力,例如辨別聲音指令,自行乘搭 升降機,和運送坐在輪椅上的病人。 A robot system has been developed by theDepartmentofMechanicalandAutomationEngineeringto transport medicines,samplesofbodilyfluids,anddocumentstoandfromdifferentlocationsinahospital. The first prototype will go on testing at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Spring 2000. The robot has in its memory the floor plan of the hospital and designated paths to follow. Equipped with ultrasonic and infrared sensors, impact sensors, a 3D-computer vision system, and ahighlysophisticated processing algorithm, it can move autonomously along the desired path whileavoidingobstaclesonits way. Fully charged, it can run for six hours and free hospital manpower for betterpatientcare. Enhancements are being developed to enable the robot to recognize voicecommands,go between floors by elevator,and transport wheelchair patients..
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