Annual Report 1998-99
個案為本英語學習與教學 Case-based English Language Learning and Teaching 這計劃由 Prof. Jane Jackson 主持,調查中大工商管理本科科目的個案為本敎學情況, 以了解學生和敎師在學習中所面對的語言、文化和溝通的困難。數據收集歷時三年, 方法包括問卷調查、訪問、課堂觀察、錄像、個案材料分析,以及以英語為背景的敎學 對話分析。研究所得可改善「商管溝通技巧」一科的內容設計、發展和推行。該科目 以個案為本,是工商管理學士學位課程一年級學生的必修科。 The project, conducted by Prof. Jane Jackson, investigated case-based teaching in undergraduate business administration courses at CUHK to gain a better understanding of the linguistic, cultural, and communication challenges facing students and teachers. Data was gathered over a three-year period through questionnaires, interviews, classroom observations, video recordings, an examination of case materials, and a discourse analysis of cases i n English- medium courses. Results of the study provided insight into the cultural learning situation as well as direction for the design, development, and implementation of the case-based business communications course which is compulsory for first- year BBA students.
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