Annual Report 1998-99
文學院重要發展 MA J OR EVENTS I N T HE FACULTY OF ARTS 文學院代表團於一九九九年四月往訪北京及上海的 主要大學,以及官方和專業機構,開展學術交流。 A delegation from the faculty visited over 10 major universities, central government institutions, as well as professional institutions in Beijing and Shanghai in April 1999. 向中學校長及敎師介紹該 院課程及畢業生出路的 「就業輔助講座」 A career seminar to promote the faculty's humanities curricula among secondary school principals and teachers 翻譯在香港:回顧、現況與前瞻」會議 Symposium on Translation in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future 「新亞金禧紀念藝術精品展」 Golden Jubilee Art Exhibition 學術發展 Academic Development 20
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