Annual Report 2003–04
學生及校友 STUDENTSANDALUMNI 學生 新 生 入 學 人 數 今年大學共錄取新生六千五百九十六名,計本科 生二千九百一十一名,硏究生三千六百八十五 名。從內地招收的本科生有一百零四名。 學生人數 今年本科生人數較去年微升百分之零點五,硏究 生人數則因大學開設了多項自資的高級學位修課 式課程而有百分之十一的增長。以二零零三年十 二月三十一日計算,本校學生總數為一萬六千五 百八十九人,其中百分之五十七為本科生,百分 之四十三為硏究生。 畢業生 二零零三至二零零四年度共有五千九百七十四名 學生完成學業,其中二千七百三十四名為本科 生,九百四十八名為硏究院文憑課程學生,二千 二百九十二名為硏究院高級學位課程學生。自一 九六六年至今,本校畢業生人數已累積至八萬七 千三百一十八人。 Students Student Admission A total of 6,596 new students were admitted during the year, among whom 2,911 were undergraduate students and 3,685 postgraduate students. This year 104 undergraduate students were recruited from the mainland. Student Population This year the University registered a slight increase of 0.5 per cent in undergraduate student enrolment, and a 11 per cent increase in postgraduate student enrolment, which was the result of the introduction of a number of self-financed taught postgraduate programmes. On 31st December 2003, the total enrolment figure stood at 16,589, of whom 57 per cent were undergraduate students and 43 per cent postgraduate students. Graduates A total of 5,974 students completed their studies in 2003-4, including 2,734 first degree students, 948 postgraduate diploma students, and 2,292 higher degree students. This brought the total cumulative number of graduates since 1966 to 87,318. 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2003-2004 66
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