Annual Report 2003–04
傑出硏 O u R e P r — 文學 F a o f A r 手語及聾人研究中心 The Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies 手語及聾人研究中心於二零零三年十一 月成立,見證語言學家和研究生十幾 年來在這方面的努力。手語語言學作為語 言學研究的嶄新領域,亦得以在中文大學 和亞洲發展。 該中心開展的研究項目有:(一)研究聾 童手語習得的專案,獲大學敎育資助委員 會資助;(二)在聾校考察聾童如何以手語 作為溝通語言的研究項目,獲余兆麒醫療 基金資助; (三) 設計手語敎學材料,供手 語研究及手語敎學之用,獲日本基金會資 助。 研究人員已就這些研究項目發表了大量關 於香港手語的研究成果,包括《香港手語詞 典》。中心與荷蘭 MaxPlanck 心 理語言學院 合作,共同開發第一個亞洲手語習得語料 庫和一個手語類型學語料庫;中心也與美 國普渡大學的手語語言學家共同探討手語 量詞的跨語言研究;最近又與漢堡大學的 德國手語和傳播學院合作,共同開發第一 套用來記錄全世界不同手語的資料庫系 統。 The Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies was established in November 2003 as witness to a decade of research effort of linguists and postgraduate students. The centre has led to the development of a new subfield of linguistics study 一 sign linguistics 一 in the undergraduate and postgraduate curricular at the University and in Asia. The centre currently co-ordinates three research programmes: (a) a UGC-funded project on the acquisition of Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL) by a deaf child, (b) an S.K. Yee Medical Foundation funded project on exploring deaf communication through HKSL in a deaf school setting, and (c) a Nippon Foundation funded project on sign language materials production through providing training on sign linguistics and sign language teaching to Asian deaf paraprofessionals. Since the inception of these research projects, the University's researchers have published widely on HKSL, including a linguistic dictionary of Hong Kong Sign Language. External links have been set up with the Max Planck Institute of Psycholinguistics at Nijmegen, Holland, to develop the first database on Asian sign language acquisition and another database on sign language typology, a group of sign linguists at the University of Purdue on the cross-linguistic analysis of sign language classifiers, and recently, the Institute of German Sign Language and Communication of the University of Hamburg to set up the first database system to document sign languages worldwide. 研究 Research
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