Annual Report 2000–01
學生及校友 Students and alumni 學生 學生人數 今年本科生人數較去年微跌百分之一,硏究生人 數則因大學開設了多項自資的高級學位修課式 課程而有百分之十一的增長。以二零零零年十二 月三十一日計算,本校學生總數為一萬四千一百 六十一人,其中百分之六十五為本科生,百分 之三十五為研究生。 Students Student Population This year the University registered a slight drop of one per cent in undergraduate student enrolment, and an 11 per cent increase in postgraduate student enrolment, which wa s the result of the introduction of a number of self-financed taught postgraduate programmes. On 31st December 2000, the total enrolment figure stood at 14,161, of whom 65 pe r cent were undergraduate students and 35 pe r cent postgraduate students. 二零零零至二零零一年度學生人數* Student Enrolment* 2000-2001 全日制課程 Full-time Programme 兼讀制課程 Part-time Programme 總人數 Total 本科生 Undergraduates 8,920 339 9,259 (9,333) 研究生** Postgraduates** 文憑課程 Diploma programmes 229 896 1,125 碩士課程 Master's programmes 1,105 2,119 3,224 博士課程 Doctoral programmes 399 154 553 1,733 3,169 4,902 (4,400) 總人數 Total 10,653 3,508 14,161(13,733) * 以當年十二月三十一日之紀錄計算 All figures as at 31st December **包括所有在大學敎育資助委員會核定學額以外錄取之學生及延期生 Including students admitted outside UGC quota and continuing students ( ) 内為一九九九至二零零零年度學生人數 Indicating 1999-2000 figures 56 學生及校友 STUDENTS AND ALUMNI
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