Annual Report 2000–01

工商管理學院重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of Business Administration •酒店管理學院與香港酒店業協會於二零零一年一月假麗晶酒店合辦「高級行政人員培訓課程」,討論酒店業的 重要課題。學員來自區內頂尖酒店的總經理及部門主管。同月,該院又與美國康乃爾大學合辦「酒店及旅遊業 研討會」,與會者逾百人。 • 會計學碩士課程於二零零一年二月舉辦「公司管治:加強香港競爭力」研討會,講者都是資深從業員或學者, 討論範疇包括市場的透明度與訊息披露水平、董事的角色、股東的權益,以及《二零零零年證券及期貨條例草 案》。 •為進一步推動有關中國經管研究,並鞏固學院的國際學術地位,中國研究與發展委員會年內舉辦了一連串工作 坊、研討會及國際會議,包括「中國企業國際管理會議2000」(與香港科技大學合辦)、「兩岸三地財經智庫會 議」、「城市競爭力研究:香港與上海」新聞發布會,以及「二零零一年博士生工作坊」。 •學院成立網際物流研究中心,聯繫學術界、政府及業界,促進物流與資訊科技的結合,提供高增值服務,使香 港得以維持亞洲空運樞紐的地位。網際物流研究中心於二零零一年四月假香港會議展覽中心舉行「香港空運業 前瞻論壇」,審視兩岸三地空運業發展的趨勢,討論開放航權的發展,以及電子商貿時代的競爭。 •為了追求國際化和增加海外交流學額,學院與南加州大學馬歇爾商學院簽訂了本科生交換計劃。除了一般交換 生計劃之外,工商管理學士課程於二零零一年五月開展「海外研修計劃」,供學生於暑期前往北京、上海、日 本或新加坡交流一星期。 • In association with the Hong Kong Hotels Association, the School of Hotel Management organized a Senior Executive Training Programme in January 2001 at the Regent Hotel to address important issues faced by the hospitality industry. General managers and senior executives from nearly every leading hotel company in the region participated in the function. In the same month, a research conference entitled 'The International Hospitality Industry Evolution 2001' was coorganizd with the School of Hotel Administration of Cornell University, which attracted over 100 participants . • The Master of Accountancy Programme organized a symposium on 'Corporate Governance and Disclosure: Enhancing the Competitiveness of Hong Kong' in February 2001. Participants included senior practitioners and academics, whose discussions revolved around four sub-themes: disclosure, transparency and development of markets; role of directors; empowerment of shareholders; and th e Securities and Futures Bill 2000. • To consolidate the Faculty's strength in China-related research and its international reputation, the Committee on China Research and Development organized a series of workshops, forums, and conferences during th e year, including the International Conferenc e on Chinese Business Management (held jointly with HKUST in December 2000); Chinese Think Tanks Meeting: Three Chinese Economies (January 2001); Press Conference on City Competitiveness: Hong Kong Versus Shanghai (Ma y 2001); and the 2001 Ph.D. Consortium (July 2001). • The Centre of Cyber Logistic s was established during the year to act as an interface between academia, government, and industry, and to ensure that a high value-added, fully logistics-integrated and IT-supported system will be put in place to maintain Hong Kong's position as the transportation hub of Asia. The centre organized an open forum in April 2001 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre for all constituents in the air cargo industry to review current air cargo trend s in the Greater China region, recent developments of the open sky policy, and competition in the e-commerce era. SO 學術發展 ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT