Vice-Chancellor's Report 1982-85
HONOURS AN D AWARD S 1982/83 - 1984/8 5 Appendix 4 Name Capacity Description Date Rev. Canon Dr. Alan Chor Cho i Chan Lecturer i n Religio n Honorary Degre e of Doctor o f Divinity , Church Divinity Schoo l of th e Pacific , U.S.A. May 198 5 Dr. Kelvin Chan Senior Lecture r i n Pharmacology British Pharmaceutical Conferenc e Science Awar d October 198 2 Professor C.F . Chen Professor o f Electronic s Fellow o f the Institute o f Electrica l Engineers, U.K . April 198 3 Professor Char-ni e Chen Professor o f Psychiatr y Fellow o f the Royal Australian an d New Zealan d College of Psychiatrist s Fellow o f the Royal College o f Psychiatrists, U.K . October 198 3 1985 The Honourable S.L . Chen Member, University Counci l Commander o f the Order o f th e Britis h Empire 1984 Professor Tien-ch i Chen Head of United College and Professor o f Compute r Science and Electronics Centennial Medal, the Institute o f Electrical and Electronics Engineers , U.S.A. 1984 Professor Chen g Te-k'un Emeritus Professo r o f Fin e Arts and Honorary Directo r of th e Institut e o f Chines e Studies and the Centre fo r Chinese Archaeolog y an d Art Corresponding Fello w o f th e Britis h Academy 1985 Mr. Trevor J . Crofts Senior Lecture r in Surger y Fellow o f the Royal Australasia n College of Surgeon s February 198 4 Professor Stuart P . Donnan Professor o f Communit y Medicine Fellow o f the American College o f Epidemiology Fellow o f the Faculty o f Communit y Medicine o f the Roya l College o f Physicians, U.K . June 198 3 1983 The Honourable Lydi a Dun n Treasurer o f the Universit y Commander o f the Order o f th e Britis h Empire 1983 Professor Hs u Baysung Pro-Vice-Chancellor an d Professor o f Physic s Justice o f Peace July 198 4 Sir Yuet-keung Ka n Pro-Chancellor an d Lif e Member, Universit y Council Grand Decoration of Honou r i n gol d with sta r for Service s to th e Republi c of Austri a Order o f the Sacred Treasure in th e second degree, Japanese Government Knight Gran d Cross of the Royal Order of th e Northern Pole Star o f Swede n March 198 3 March 198 3 November 198 3 Dr. the Honourabl e Q.W . Lee Chairman, Universit y Council Honorary Degre e of Docto r o f Laws , University o f Hull, U.K . July 198 5 Professor Arthu r K.C . L i Professor o f Surger y Fellow o f the Royal Australasia n College of Surgeons 1983 Dr. Ma Li n Vice-Chancellor Honorary Commande r o f the Order o f the British Empire Honorary Correspondin g Member i n Hong Kong of the Royal Society o f Arts, U.K . Honorary Degre e of Doctor o f Science , University o f Sussex, U.K. 1983 May 198 3 July 198 4 38
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