Annual Report 2009–10

3 引 言 Introduction 校長劉遵義教授 Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, President and Vice-Chancellor 二零零九至一零年度是中文大學校史上 意義匪淺的一年。在這年,我們為未來發 展奠下了更穩固的根基,豎立了許多里程 碑。這是我作為中大校長任內發表的最後 一份《年報》,我會摘要報告自上一份 《年報》後直至二零一零年六月三十日期 間,有關本校的重大事件和成就。 優秀新生 每年秋天新學年伊始,中大校園都會迎來 一張張新臉孔,當中包括新一屆的學生。 二零零九年秋天也不例外。四千六百 五十四位新生來到中大這個大家庭,入讀 政府資助的課程,當中三千三百二十二人 是本科生,一千三百三十二人是研究生。 此外,四千七百七十四名學生入讀延伸及 自負盈虧的本科及研究課程。 我們的新生來自本港、亞洲乃至世界各 地,循各種渠道錄取,均是學藝出眾的一 時之選。當中一百一十九人在香港高級程 度會考獲三優或以上成績,而參加大學聯 合招生辦法成績最佳的一千名學生中,約 半數入讀本校。另外,在二零零九至一零 年度,本校亦錄取了三百三十九名非本地 本科生。他們來自內地二十五個省市、比 利時、伯利茲、加拿大、法國、匈牙利、印 度、印尼、哈薩克斯坦、立陶宛、澳門、馬 引 言 Introduction The academic year 2009–10 is another remarkable year in the annals of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Much groundwork was laid and many milestones were achieved. In this last report of mine as President and Vice-Chancellor of the University, I would like to highlight some of these notable events and achievements since the period covered in my 2008–09 report up to 30 June 2010. The Fresh and the Best Every autumn, when the academic year begins, our campus will welcome, among others, a new cohort of fresh faces. The autumn of 2009 was no exception. We welcomed into the University family a total of 4,654 new students including 3,322 undergraduate and 1,332 postgraduate students in publicly funded programmes. In addition, 4,774 students enrolled in our extension and self-financed undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Our freshmen were recruited locally, regionally and internationally, through a number of channels and on the general criteria of academic distinction and intellectual potential. Of these, 119 students had received three A’s or above in the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination. About half