Annual Report 2009–10
69 學 生 和 校 友 Students and Alumni 濟世為懷的羅德學人 A Rhodes Scholar Who Cares and Cures 二 零零九年醫科畢業生鄭華哲,在來自本地院校四十多名精英中脫穎而 出,獲選本屆港區羅德學人。羅德獎學金在香港成立二十多年以來,他 是第十三位中大培育的羅德學人。 醫學以外,鄭華哲探索的世界廣闊無邊。在美國威廉士大學當交換生期間, 他選修了英國文學、政治學、藝術和雕刻,又加入划艇隊,不斷多方嘗試,開 拓潛能,不但擴展了視野,更留意到不同文化的特質,且透過參與體育活動 的熱誠和成就,表現出堅毅不拔、自我完善的能力。 這位興趣多面的年輕人把握每一機會,服務社會。他曾擔任威爾斯親王醫 院兒童服務小組的隊長,先後往內蒙古自治區義教當地中學老師英語, 參加雲南的援助工程,以及往肯亞裂谷一所小型醫院照顧病人。華哲坦言 這些經驗「讓我體會人的能力有限,然而,當看見有那麼多人活在困苦中, 又怎能視而不見,不加以援手?」 華哲計劃在牛津大學學成後回港行醫。 M edical graduate Mr. Timothy Cheng beat some 40 outstanding students from local universities to become the 2010 Rhodes Scholar. He is the 13th Rhodes Scholar from CUHK since the scholarship was introduced to Hong Kong more than two decades ago. Timothy’s world was not limited to anatomy and pathology. While on exchange at Williams College in the US, he expanded his horizons by taking courses in English literature, political science, fine arts and sculpture, and joining the rowing team. That way he sharpened his cultural sensitivities, strengthened his muscles and the determination to overcome difficulties and succeed. During his studies at CUHK, Timothy seized opportunities to serve the community. He was the service leader of the Prince of Wales Hospital Children’s Service. He took a service trip to Inner Mongolia to teach local secondary school teachers English, did voluntary work in Yunnan, and went to Kenya for a medical elective where he served in a small hospital in the Rift Valley region. Timothy said, ‘Such experience taught me about human limitations but at the same time, I was deeply moved when so much suffering happened before my eyes.’ To continue his trajectory of caring and serving, Timothy set his eyes on a medical career in Hong Kong after completing his research degree studies in the medical sciences at Oxford. 校友 中大校友社群日益壯大,連同大學創立前的 原成員書院畢業生在內,中大畢業生人次已 由十年前的六萬多,迅速增長近倍,至本年 度的十二萬六千人。 校友人才輩出,除廣獲公私營機構委以要 職,亦備受嘉許,如丘成桐校友獲頒沃爾夫 數學獎,趙詠賢校友則於第五屆東亞運動會 取得三金一銀共四面獎牌佳績,鄭海泉校友 於二零零九年十月接任大學第六任校董會主 席。李沛良、梁英偉及辛世文三位校友則於 二零零九年五月獲中大頒授榮譽院士銜。 為促進校友與母校之間的情誼,大學舉辦 各式活動鼓勵校友重訪校園。在二零零 九年十二月舉行的「中大校友日」,吸引了 四千五百多人回校參與一連串豐富節目,是 歷來最大型的校友日。 是年新成立的校友會包括中大語文教育校 友會、中大教育學院幼兒教育課程畢業同 學會、中大文化管理碩士畢業同學會、中大 公共衞生及基層醫療學院校友會、香港中 文大學成都校友會及香港中文大學商學院 北京校友會。 Alumni As of July 2010, the number of CUHK graduates, including those of the founding Colleges prior to the establishment of the University in 1963, was 126,000, a double of what it was a decade ago. The achievements of CUHK alumni have been widely recognized. Among them, Prof. Yau Shing-tung was awarded the 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics for his lifelong contributions to the field. Representing Hong Kong in the 5th East Asian Games, Miss Chiu Wing- yin Rebecca won three gold and one silver medals in squash. Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng was appointed the Chairman of the University Council in October 2009. Prof. Lee Pui-leung Rance, Mr. Leung Ying-wai Charles, and Prof. Sun Sai-ming Samuel, were awarded Honorary Fellowships by the University. To further strengthen her ties with the alumni community, the University hosted a series of programmes and activities for alumni on campus. The 2009 CUHK Alumni Homecoming attracted over 4,500 participants to the campus, making it the largest event of its kind ever. In the year under review, six new alumni associations were formed. They are: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Language Education Alumni Association;
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