Annual Report 2009–10

60 Prof. Joseph W.Y. Lau for Lee Woo Sing College, Prof. Rance P.L. Lee (Master-designate) for Wu Yee Sun College and Prof. Kenneth Young (Master- designate) for C.W. Chu College. In addition, four full-time Faculty Deans took up office in the year, including Prof. Paul S.N. Lee as Dean of Social Science, Prof. John C.K. Lee as Dean of Education, Prof. Ng Cheuk-yiu as Dean of Science, and Prof. Wong Ching-ping as Dean of Engineering. The academic team was further strengthened by the appointments of 70 new professoriate staff, including Prof. Robert A. Mundell, Nobel Laureate in Economics Sciences, as Distinguished Professor- at-Large; Prof. Vernon N. Hsu of the Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics; Prof. Poo Mu-chou of the Department of History; and Prof. Yam Chi-kwong Joseph as Distinguished Research Fellow at the Institute of Global Economics and Finance. Two distinguished figures accepted honorary appointments of the University, viz Prof. Lee Ou-fan Leo as Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Arts and Prof. Sir Tom Blundell as Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Science. 年內有四位全職學院院長履任,計為社會 科學院院長李少南教授、教育學院院長李 子建教授、理學院院長伍灼耀教授,以及 工程學院院長汪正平教授。 是年度共有七十位教學人員加盟大學,中 大的學術團隊陣容更見充實,當中包括: 諾貝爾經濟學獎得主羅伯特 ‧ 蒙代爾教授 任博文講座教授、決策科學與企業經濟學 系徐寧教授、歷史系蒲慕州教授,以及全 球經濟及金融研究所傑出研究員任志剛 教授。另有兩名傑出人士應聘擔任大學的 榮譽職務,他們是文學院榮譽教授李歐 梵教授及理學院榮譽教授 Prof. Sir Tom Blundell。 向長期服務員工致敬 A Tribute to the Loyal Staff 四 十多年以來,代復一代的員工堅守崗位,克盡己 職,各展所長,與中大共同成長。他們貢獻多年的 光陰和心血,造就了今日的中大。是年度,分別有十四位 及五十一位員工獲頒三十五年及二十五年長期服務獎。 「這份工作要經常與教授和醫科生互動,有助促進 我的溝通技巧,非常具挑戰性,又能學到許多寶貴知 識,為我帶來很大滿足感。」 — 醫學院生物醫學學院通用科際實驗室技術員陸耀榮 「我感覺自己和中大憂戚與共、喜樂同歡,我想我的 基因組中存在着為中文大學努力服務的基因。」 — 生物系教授關海山教授 「幫助病人是我的職責,每次有病人向我們說聲多 謝,欣賞我們的服務,便是我最大的回報。」 — 大學保健處高級牙科助理陳蔡玉妍女士 C UHK is privileged to have many loyal staff who have served it for decades. This year, 14 and 51 staff members were respectively awarded the Long Service Award for their 35 years and 25 years of service. ‘The job gives me immense satisfaction as it allows me to interact frequently with professors and medical students, which is as challenging as it is rewarding since it helps strengthen my communication skills and provides me with valuable knowledge.’ — Mr. Luk Yiu-wing, technician at the Multi-Discipline Laboratories of the School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine ‘I share the joy and tears of the University, and I guess my devotion to serve CUHK must have been inherited in my genes.’ — Prof. Kwan Hoi-shan, professor, Department of Biology ‘It is my duty to help patients. I find it most rewarding when they are satisfied with our service. Their words of thanks mean a lot to me.’ — Mrs. Chan Tsoi Yuk-yin, senior dental surgery assistant of the University Health Service 左起:陸耀榮先生、關海山教授及陳蔡玉妍女士 From left: Mr. Luk Yiu-wing, Prof. Kwan Hoi-shan and Mrs. Chan Tsoi Yuk-yin