Annual Report 2009–10
53 服 務 香 港 放 眼 世 界 Services to Hong Kong and the World 該社跟大學圖書館合作,將《中國評論》、 《亞洲人類學報》、 Asian Journal of English Language Teaching 、《傳播與 社會學刊》、《香港戲劇學刊》及《道教研 究學報》六種學刊發展成電子版本,透過 圖書館網絡,供大學師生免費使用。 提供多元化進修途徑 專業進修學院 二零零九至一零年度,專業進修學院開設 逾一千二百項短期課程及近一百八十項學 歷課程,學生人次約三萬九千。 為配合社會發展需要,學院成立五所新學 院——創藝學院、博雅學院、管理學院、專 業發展學院及睿智學院,所提供的多元化 課程涵蓋十二個學術範疇,分別為藝術及 設計、人文學科、創意媒體、音樂、商業及 管理、會計及財務、社會科學、應用科學、 語文、醫療保健、資訊科技及科技管理和 自然及環境學。 學院籌辦各類型企業培訓課程,以配合內 地及香港公私營機構的發展需要。當中包 The press has worked with the University Library to put six academic journals online for free access by students and staff. They are The China Review , Asian Anthropology , Asian Journal of English Language Teaching , Communication and Society , Hong Kong Drama Review , and Daoism: Religion, History and Society . Promoting Lifelong Learning with Diversified Learning Opportunities School of Continuing and Professional Studies In 2009–10, over 1,200 general courses and about 180 award-bearing programmes were offered by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCS) with a total enrolment of about 39,000. To meet the changing demands for continuing education in society, five new academies have been established, namely, Creative Academy, Liberal Arts Academy, Management Academy, Professional Development Academy and Advanced Development Academy. They provide a diverse range of courses and programmes covering 12 disciplines, including art and design, humanities, creative media, music, business and management, accounting and finance, social sciences, applied sciences, languages, health 重現古曲面貌 Ancient Chinese Melodies Come to Live 清 宮廷於乾隆六年(一七四二)建後編館,其樂 工後在周祥鈺等人領導下,以工尺譜記錄了 四千四百多首唐宋詞、宋元諸宮調、元明散曲、南戲 及雜劇的旋律,乾隆十一年(一七四六)成書,是為 八十二卷的《九宮大成南北詞宮譜》,是歷代聲樂總 集、民間俗樂大全。不過傳統以來,實際演唱與原工 尺所記一般頗有距離,若按譜照翻,其旋律僅得其框 架,一般唱者,亦未能按譜演唱, 在今日崑曲之普及與傳承上,不無 遺憾。 中文大學出版社於二 零零九年出版的九冊 巨著《新定九宮大成 南北詞宮譜譯註》, 由著名崑曲學者、曲 家、江蘇省戲劇學校 高級講師王正來老師 (一九四八至二零零 三),在原曲工尺基 礎上,憑其專精之崑 曲體驗,依字行腔,推敲演繹,用簡譜翻訂了《九宮大 成》的全部旋律,並加註釋。從二十世紀崑曲演唱角度 而言,王師之譯譜,可謂一家之言,甚具參考價值,是清 代樂譜的一個相當有說服力的解讀。 T he nine-volumn set of Jiugong Dacheng Nanbei Ci Gongpu (An Anthology of North and South Ci Music in Nine Modes) 《九宮大成南北詞宮譜》 , completed in 1746, is a collective transcription project of secular music from the Tang to the Qing Dynasty. The anthology features 4,400 some pieces of ancient melody written in traditional gongche notation and aligned with lyrics. The present cipher notation transcription of Jiugong Dacheng , published by the Chinese University Press in 2009, was realized by kunqu master Wang Zhenglai (1948–2003) who spent all his life in performing, teaching and transcribing this significant repertoire of Chinese vocal music. Chinese music connoisseurs all realize that there is always a considerable distance between actual performances and what is notated in gongche in terms of traditional Chinese music performance practice. Therefore a useful and convincing transcription like Master Wang’s is most needed for a better understanding of this important anthology of Chinese vocal music. The documentation of the repertoire represents one of the authentic ways of interpreting this body of melodies informed by the conventional kunqu tradition.
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