Annual Report 2009–10
37 學 術 發 展 Academic Development • 建築學系於二零零九年八月一日升格為學院, 並在二零一零年一月十五日舉行成立典禮。 The Department of Architecture changed its status to the School of Architecture on 1 August 2009. An inauguration ceremony was held on 15 January 2010. • 新聞與傳播學院及新聞教育基金合作,破 天荒地集合一百四十一位新聞從業員,將他 們最難忘的故事彙集成書,名為《一人一故 事》,於二零一零年七月九日出版。 The School of Journalism and Communication teamed up with the Journalism Education Foundation to co- publish the book One Person, One Story . Launched on 9 July 2010, the book contains enlightening stories by 141 journalists. • 心理學系與國際測試委員會於二零一零年七 月十八至二十一日合辦首個亞洲舉行的國際 學術研討會,題為「測試與評估於全球化經 濟中的挑戰與機會」。 The Department of Psychology collaborated with the International Test Commission (ITC) to organize the conference ‘Challenges and Opportunities in Testing and Assessment in a Globalized Economy’ from 18 to 21 July 2010 at CUHK. This was the first time an ITC conference was held in Asia. 社會科學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Social Science 心理學系與國際測試委員會合辦國際學術研討會 The international conference organized by the Department of Psychology and International Test Commission 建築學院成立典禮 The inauguration ceremony of the School of Architecture
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