Annual Report 2009–10

33 學 術 發 展 Academic Development • 大學及北京理工大學於二零一零年五月成立 光機電設計及工程聯合研究中心,由機械與 自動化工程學系任揚教授出任主任。中心將 進一步推動兩校的研究合作,並把科研成果 轉移給業界。 CUHK and the Beijing Institute of Technology established the Joint Research Center for Optomechatronic Design and Engineering in May 2010. With Prof. Yam Yeung from the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering as its first director, the centre will further promote joint collaboration between the two schools and facilitate technology transfer of research outcomes. • 電子工程學系射頻輻射研究實驗室參與香港 認可處的「香港實驗所認可計劃」,獲授ISO/ IEC17025認可證書。這個用於測試或校正空 中移動終端及無源天線的實驗室,是全港首 個取得 ISO/IEC認可的同類實驗室,在世界 亦屬少數。 The Radiofrequency Radiation Research Laboratory received the ISO/IEC 17025 Certificate of Accreditation under the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme operated by the Hong Kong Accreditation Service. The laboratory is now the only one in Hong Kong and one of the few ISO/ IEC accredited laboratories in the world for mobile terminal over-the-air performance test and passive antenna measurement and calibration. 工程學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Engineering • 工程學院多位教授獲國際權威專業學會推選 為院士:呂自成教授獲選為計算機器學會院士 和電機及電子工程師學會院士;廖維新教授及 杜如虛教授則獲選為美國機械工程師學會院 士。 Three professors of the Faculty of Engineering were elected fellows of prestigious professional institutions for their contributions and achievements in research. Prof. Lui Chi-shing John was elected a fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery and a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Prof. Liao Wei-hsin and Prof. Du Ruxu were elected fellows of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 大學及北京理工大學成立光機電設計及工程聯合研究中心 CUHK and the Beijing Institute of Technology established the Joint Research Center for Optomechatronic Design and Engineering 廖維新教授 Prof. Liao Wei-hsin 呂自成教授 Prof. Lui Chi-shing John 杜如虛教授 Prof. Du Ruxu 射頻輻射研究實驗室 The Radiofrequency Radiation Research Laboratory