Annual Report 2009–10

32 校長劉遵義教授(右)與國家語委普通話培訓測試中心 姚喜雙主任續簽署合作協議 Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (right), CUHK Vice- Chancellor, and Mr. Yao Xishuang, director of Centre for Training and Testing Putonghua Teachers and Speakers of the State Language and Writing Commission, renewed the collaboration agreement 教育學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Education • 香港教育研究所再獲教育局撥款三千萬元, 展開為期三年的「優質學校改進計劃:學習差 異支援」,將於三年內為一百所本地中小學提 供專業支援。 The Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research received a further funding of HK$30 million from the Education Bureau for launching the ‘Quality School Improvement Project: Support for Learning Diversity’. The project will provide professional support to 100 local primary and secondary schools in the period of 2010–13. • 體育運動科學系獲知識轉移項目基金撥款, 啟動「創建與促進『實踐的社群』體育教師持 續專業發展」之項目,此計劃旨在為大學的體 育研究學者、前線中小學體育教師、實習指導 教師以及有關當局建立交流平台,促進他們 的經驗分享。 The Department of Sports Science and Physical Education received a Knowledge Transfer Project Fund to conduct the project ‘Creating and Sustaining “Communities of Practice” for Physical Education Teacher’s Continuing Professional Development’, which was aimed at building a sustainable professional partnership system among university scholars, frontline secondary/primary schoolteachers and prospective teachers in order to enrich and enhance the good work among physical education professionals. • 二零零九年十二月,普通話教育研究及發展中心 與國家語言文字工作委員會(國家語委)普通話 培訓測試中心續簽合作協議。在過去十一年,參 加該中心舉辦的普通話水平測試者接近二萬人。 The Centre for Research and Development of Putonghua Education renewed the agreement with the Centre for Training and Testing Putonghua Teachers and Speakers of the State Language and Writing Commission in December 2009. In the past 11 years, approximately 20,000 people have sat for the Putonghua Proficiency Test organized by the centre. 優質學校改進計劃簡介會 Briefing session of the Quality School Improvement Project