Annual Report 2009–10

30 • 由歷史系科大衛教授領導的「中國社會的歷史 人類學研究」,獲教資會選為卓越學科領域計 劃,為首個獲該計劃資助的人文學科項目。 ‘The Historical Anthropology of Chinese Society’, a research project directed by Prof. David Faure of the Department of History, was awarded an Areas of Excellence (AoE) grant by the UGC. This was the first ever humanities research project to have been awarded a grant under the AoE Scheme. • 為慶祝翻譯文學碩士課程創辦二十五周年, 翻譯系與牛津大學中國學術研究所及中國中 心於二零一零年四月十五及十六日合辦「文化 互動:中國文學英譯」國際會議。 To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the MA in Translation Programme, the Department of Translation organized an international conference on ‘Cultural Interactions: Chinese Literature in English Translation’ with the Institute for Chinese Studies and the China Centre, the University of Oxford on 15 and 16 April 2010. • 文化及宗教研究系、全球文明研 究中心、港美中心,以及亞洲基 督教高等教育聯合董事會於二零 零九年十一月六日合辦一場名為 「文化互動:中國文學英譯」國際會議 International conference on ‘Cultural Interactions: Chinese Literature in English Translation’ 「互相聆聽,癒合地球」的跨宗教音樂會, 由十個不同宗教的組織演出。當晚共有逾 八百位公眾人士、學生、教職員及本港宗教 領袖聚首一堂,共度一個樂韻悠揚、融合 文化和宗教特色的晚上。 The Department of Cultural and Religious Studies joined the Hong Kong Institute for Global Civilization, Hong Kong-America Center, and the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, to present ‘Hearing Each Other, Healing the Earth’ Interfaith Musical Evening, featuring performances by members from 10 different religions. More than 800 members of the public, students, teachers and local religious leaders enjoyed an evening of musical, cultural and religious harmony on 6 November 2009 on CUHK campus. 「互相聆聽,癒合地球」跨宗教音樂會 ‘Hearing Each Other, Healing the Earth’ Interfaith Musical Evening 文學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Arts 科大衞教授 Prof. David Faure