Annual Report 2002–03
硏究 RESEARCH 引 言 中大向來重視學術硏究,致力為員生提供先進科 硏設施,校內七個學院及其轄下學系均設有各式 硏究設備,而跨學科硏究主要由十一間硏究所推 展。各院系及硏究所更下設硏究中心,就專門學 科範圍進行深入硏究。 大學的硏究院則專責發展硏究生課程,每年培育 Introduction As a university committed to academic research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong is equipped with world-class facilities which enable students and staff to pursue excellence in both research and teaching. The infrastructure for basic research is made available through the seven faculties and their departments. Interdisciplinary research is facilitated by major research institutes and smaller research centres/units, each with a distinctive mission. 4 4 香 港 中 文 大 學 年 報 CUHK Annual Report 2002-2003
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