Annual Report 2018–19

54 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2018–2019 風險與應變措施 Risks and Mitigation 風險管理憑着協調有序的活動,以有系 統、開誠布公、有紀律的方式,輔助大學 消弭實際和潛在的風險。 2018至19年度,風險管理委員會修訂大 學風險管理政策的指引部分,並認可大學 2019至20年度的院校風險紀錄冊,而該 紀錄冊已獲大學校董會批核。 大學舉辦簡報會及進修課程,分別邀請 新舊學系/單位參加,以推廣大學雙向 (由上至下及由下至上)風險管理,加強 風險管理溝通,培養正面的風險文化。 大學於2019至20年度院校風險紀錄冊 內,訂明有關學術、財務、運作等各方面 的主要風險事項,其相應之監察及改善 計劃已知照司事部門及單位。該等風險事 項如下: • 有關競爭的商業及策略風險 • 有關可持續成長及發展的商業及策略 風險 • 研究路向和道德的學術風險 • 投資的財務風險 • 網上保安、數據安全及完整性等資訊 技術風險 • 環境可持續性的健康及安全風險 • 影響收生的社會及人口風險 • 挽留人才的人力資源風險 Risk management is a series of coordinated activities to direct and guide the University to mitigate against risks, whether actual or potential. This risk mitigation process operates in a systematic, transparent and disciplined manner. During the year 2018–19, the Risk Management Committee revised the Guidelines Section of the University’s Risk Management Policy and endorsed the University’s Institutional Risk Register of 2019–20, which had been further approved by the Council. A number of briefings and refreshing sessions targeting newly invited and current departments/units separately had been organized to promote the two-way (i.e., both top-down and bottom-up) risk management approach. They also helped enhance communication in managing risk and cultivate a positive risk culture inside the University. For the institutional risk register 2019–20, the University identified the following key risk items in respect of academic, financial and operation, with the monitoring and improvement plan of each assigned to specific risk owners: • Business and strategic risk in relation to competition • Business and strategic risk in relation to sustainable growth and development • Academic risks in research approach and ethics • Financial risk in investment • IT risk as regards cybersecurity, data security and integrity • Health and safety risk in relation to environmental sustainability • Social and demographic risks which affect student enrolment • Human resources risk in retaining talents