Annual Report 2018–19

38 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2018–2019 植物細胞液泡起源研究突破 可望改良農作物 由姜里文教授(中)領導的國際團隊,利 用三維電子斷層掃描技術,在植物液泡 起源的研究取得重大突破,為未來液泡 功能的研究提供基礎。其研究成果將有 助提高植物的抗逆能力。 Breakthrough in plant vacuole biogenesis research may improve crop quality A team of international researchers led by Prof. Jiang Liwen (centre) made a major breakthrough in revealing the molecular mechanisms of vacuole formation in plants by using 3D electron tomography. Further research on the roles of vacuoles in plants will provide insights into the improvement of crop quality to overcome stressed environments.