Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 7 Apr 1968
士 博 樂 克 柯 D r . C l a r k K e r r day stay here , he was a guest of His Excellency Sir David Trench at lunch at Government House and also met w ith Vice-Chancellor L i and administrative officers of the University. Dr. Kerr paid visits to the three Colleges and also to the University of California Study Center. Dr. Kerr is now serving as Chairman of the Commission on the Future of Higher Education, Carnegie Foundation. APPOINTMENTS WORKSHOP The Appointments Workshop Committee in vited M r. J.C.H. G illard, Senior Education Officer of the Hong Kong Education Department, to give a talk on “ Interviews fo r Teaching Jobs" to the students at the School of Education on 13th March. M r. G illard stressed on behaviour and performance at interviews fo r teaching positions. Follow ing his talk, M r. H.T. Wu, Director of the School of Education, held mock interviews with some students and M r. G illard followed up with an evaluation of the interviews to draw the students' attention to certain important aspects of an interview fo r employment. The last of this series of career talks was given by M r. James Wu, Managing D irector of the China Cold Storage and Engineering Company on 19th A p ril. M r. Wu spoke on ‘‘Opportunities in Indus tries fo r University Graduates". INVITATION TO ATTEND EROPA SEMINAR Dr. Charles S.S. Hsueh’ Reader of Public Adm inistration at United College, was invited to attend an important research seminar of the Eastern Regional Organization fo r Public Adm inistration in Bangkok from 18th to 23rd March. The seminar was attended by a selected group of Asian academicians to make a critical examination of administrative reforms fo r international development in Asian countries. This project is assisted financially by the Ford Foundation. The Foundation and EROPA are making efforts in promoting co-operation among Asian universities and professional institutions especially in the field of development administration. Dr. Hsueh presented his research paper on public administration and socio-economic develop ment in Hong Kong at the seminar. SCHOOL OF EDUCATION RECEPTION The School of Education invited final year students of the colleges to a reception held at the Y .M .C .A . Waterloo Road on 23rd March. M r. H.T. Wu, Director o f the School of Education, gave the welcome address followed by a talk on the School of Education by Dr. Y.C. Yen. A film on Student Teaching in the United States was also shown. During refreshments, the students were divided into small informal groups w ith a staff member of the School of Education as the discussion leader. The party adjourned to the School of Education where they were shown the facilities of the Language Laboratory, the library and the lecture rooms. — 2 —
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