Head and neck radiology, MRI, oncologic imaging
Research Interests:
MRI of the head and neck
– MRI of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (patterns of spread, staging, predictors of treatment response; treatment induced complications; early detection and screening)
– MRI of squamous cell carcinoma and lymphoma
– Functional MRI (DWI, MRS, DCE-MRI and CEST)
– MRI for tumour characterisation
– MRI for prediction of treatment response (pre-treatment & intra-treatment)
– MRI of the post-treatment neck
Teaching Profile
Professor Ann king has been a dedicated teacher in the undergraduate medical curriculum at CUHK for over 20 years, receiving consistently high teaching scores from her students and being a member of many faculty teaching committees. Since 2002 she has been in charge of developing and coordinating the radiology teaching program, an integrated course that spans the curriculum with three core components of (1) Radiology anatomy (Preclinical years); (2) Basic radiology of emergency and common diseases (First clinical year); (3) More advanced system based image interpretation (Final Clinical year). The latter course is a highly regarded one week intensive small group tutorial program for all students that is run eight times a year. Currently the course is being updated to include e-learning on patient preparation and risks, and a short modality rotation which was previously only available to students taking the popular radiology elective program. Her research projects are regularly chosen by students undertaking their research selected study module (SSM) where they receive intensive one on one teaching. She is also in charge of the overseas medical student elective program.
Radiology is an essential and very important part of medical education and students at CUHK have benefitted from structured radiology teaching for over 15 years. The future direction is to continue developing radiology teaching, incorporating new pedagogies to strengthen the teaching, ensure that radiologists retain a strong input in radiology teaching, and the profile of radiology is raised with the next generation of doctors.
Professor Ann King has been the head of radiology resident training since 2000 and program director of the new territories east cluster training. Over this period radiology training has undergone considerable changes with the implementation of a structured program and log books by the Hong Kong College of Radiologists. Trainees are supervised to levels above those set by the college and trainees successfully pass the examination for the FRCR (joint examination with the Royal College of Radiologists UK) and exit examination of the FHKCR. Professor King was in charge of the successful application for PWH training re-accreditation by the Hong Kong College of Radiologists in 2002, 2007, 2012 and 2017. She also teaches on training courses.
Local, regional and international teaching
She is a regular speaker and teacher at regional and international meetings including the International Congress of Radiology, European Congress of Radiology, International society for magnetic resonance in medicine, International Cancer Imaging Society, European Society of Head and Neck Radiology, British society of head and neck Radiology, Australia & New Zealand Society of Neuroradiology, Singapore Congress of Radiology, College of Radiology Academy of Medicine of Malaysia and interdisciplinary conferences related to nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Service Profile
Professor Ann King was recruited in 1995 to help set up the new MRI service and subsequently set up the head & neck MRI service. She currently provides regular weekly clinical service sessions for the public and private patients at the Prince of Wales Hospital. Her main expertise remains in MRI where she provides frontline imaging service sessions covering MRI of the head & neck and neuroimaging, but also provides services in ultrasound of the head & neck, CT of the head & neck and CT in general oncology, plus additional input into clinico-radiological conferences, PET/CT and ad hoc consultations. She works closely with her head and neck colleagues in oncology, radiotherapy and surgery, and provides support for the local and international clinical trials in head and neck cancer. She also provides imaging support to the neurosurgeons and neurologists.
Professor King is an Honorary consultant in the Department of imaging and interventional radiology in the Prince of Wales hospital and Honorary Consultant in the New territories east cluster. She is a member of the departmental senior staff committee and over the years has taken up many departmental management roles including MRI service co-ordinator and infection control co-ordinator during the 2003 Hong Kong outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
Professor King has given over 14 years of service to the Hong Kong College of Radiologists where she has been a member of the education committee since 2003. Over this period the committee established the guidelines for radiology training in Hong Kong which cover hospital, trainer and trainee requirements. The latter include levels of direct supervision, workload for all imaging investigations, clinic-radiological conferences, audit, quality assurance, teaching and research. These guidelines were set up well before those in the sister College in the UK. Subsequently through this committee, training course subcommittee and accreditation subcommittee she has helped to develop and monitor the training and teaching courses in Hong Kong, and been a senior member on hospital re-accreditation assessments in 2007, 2012 and 2017. Professor King has also been an examiner for joint the Royal College of Radiologists UK and the Hong Kong College of Radiologists Final Examination for the Fellowship, and the Hong Kong College of Radiologists Exit Examination from 2005-2014.
Research Profile
Professor Ann King is an academic radiologist specialising in head and neck radiology with over 20 years of experience in MRI research of head and neck tumours. She has published 170 journal and 164 conference papers. In 2017 her h index and total number of citations was 36 and 3921 (web of science), 39 and 4440 (Scopus) and 50 and 6926 (Goggle scholar).
Professor Ann King’s interest in academia began in 1988 at the Hammersmith Hospital/Royal postgraduate medical school followed by the Middlesex/ University College Hospital, London UK, before moving to the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1995 with the opening of the new MRI service.
MRI of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Professor King’s main research area is MRI of nasopharyngeal carcinoma, a cancer that is endemic in Hong Kong. She has published over 50 papers in the subject and her MD entitled “Magnetic resonance imaging of the head and neck in nasopharyngeal carcinoma” was awarded with commendation in 2008. She has been using MRI to routinely stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma for more than 20 years, and her earliest published works in this field were amongst the first to report the MRI patterns of primary tumour spread and nodal spread in this disease. Subsequent publications were amongst the first to compare MRI and PET/CT staging, and describe a wide range of treatment induced complications on MRI. Her work in staging continues today with the current emphasis on anatomical and functional MRI markers for distant metastases. Her other major direction of current research is the role of MRI in the early detection of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Her work was the first to prospectively compare MRI and endoscopy for NPC detection and show that 10% of NPCs are endoscopically occult. Subsequent work has shown that MRI can detect NPC up to three years before endoscopy, and confirmed the high diagnostic accuracy of the proposed MRI criteria for detecting NPC and distinguishing early mucosal NPCs from benign mucosal hyperplasia. MRI is now being used as an adjunct tool for NPC detection in EBV DNA population screening programs, including in Hong Kong (NEJM publication) and by invitation from the U.S. National Cancer Institute in a project in China with Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Centre and Sihui Cancer Institute, Guangzhou, and VU Medical Center in the Netherlands.
Functional/Molecular MRI of Head & Neck tumours
Professor King’s other main area of MRI research is functional/molecular MRI. She has been researching advanced MRI techniques in head and neck tumours, including early intra-treatment response in squamous cell carcinoma, since 2001. Early work focused on proton spectroscopy and diffusion weighted imaging, followed by DCE MRI. The first papers in DWI and MRS were amongst the pioneering group of publications in in-vivo cancer imaging, an area which today is the major field for cancer imaging. Currently she is working on CEST imaging, and in collaboration with Johns Hopkins USA published the first feasibility study using amide proton transfer in the head and neck. She has worked closely with medical physicists and scientists to overcome the challenges of performing MRI in the head and neck. She has published over 30 papers in this topic, including technical papers and those related to tumour characterisation, prediction of treatment response (pre-treatment and early intra-treatment) and identification of residual cancer post-treatment.
MRI of the Post-treatment Neck
Post chemoradiotherapy assessment is one of the most challenging fields in head and neck imaging and forms a large part of the imaging service in head and neck oncology centers. Professor King has published widely on the post-treatment neck including functional imaging and refinement of anatomical criteria for detection of residual disease.
MRI of Head & Neck lymphoma, Lymph nodes and Thyroid Cancer
Professor King has published papers on the appearances of a range of head and neck lymphoma, lymph nodes and several reports on thyroid cancer.
Professor King and her team have received awards for their work, she has received competitive grants related to NPC and functional imaging as the principal investigator, written book chapters, invited reviews and is a regular invited speaker at international conferences and workshops in MRI of the head and neck.
Selected Publications
MRI of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Early Detection of NPC
Chan KCA, Woo JKS, King AD, Zee B, Lam JWK, Chan SL, Chu SWI,1,2,3 Mak C, Tse IOL, Leung SYM, Chan G, Hui EP, Ma BB, Chiu RWK, Leung SF, van Hasselt CA, Chan ATC, Lo YMD. Screening for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma by Plasma Epstein-Barr Virus DNA analysis
Accepted by the New England Journal of Medicine 2017
King AD*, Vlantis AC, Yuen TWC, Law BKH, Bhatia KS, Zee BCY, Woo JKS, Chan ATC, Chan KCA, Ahuja AT. Detection of nasopharyngeal carcinoma by MR imaging: Diagnostic Accuracy of MRI compared with endoscopy and endoscopic biopsy based on long-term follow-up. American Journal of Neuroradiology AJNR 2015;36:2380-2385
Chan KC, Hung EC, Woo JK, Chan PK, Leung SF, Lai FP, Cheng AS, Yeung SW, Chan YW, Tsui TK, Kwok JS, King AD, Chan AT, van Hasselt AC, Lo YM. Early detection of nasopharyngeal carcinoma by plasma Epstein-Barr virus DNA analysis in a surveillance program. Cancer 2013;119:1838-1844
Bhatia KS, King AD*, Vlantis AC, Ahuja AT, Tse GM. Nasopharyngeal mucosa and adenoids: appearance at MR imaging. Radiology 2012;263:437-443
King AD*, Vlantis AC, Bhatia KS, Zee BC, Woo JK, Tse GM, Chan AT, Ahuja AT. Primary Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Diagnostic Accuracy of MR Imaging versus that of Endoscopy and Endoscopic Biopsy. Radiology 2011;258:531-537
King AD*, Vlantis AC, Tsang RKY, Tse GM, Au AKY, Chan CY, Kok SY, Kwok WT, Lui HK, Ahuja AT. Magnetic resonance imaging for the detection of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. American Journal of Neuroradiology, AJNR 2006; 27: 1288-1291.AJNR 7TH special collection: Head and neck neoplasms AJNR 2011 (collection of best 45 articles published in AJNR over the last 10 years)
Competitive Grant as PI
RGC General Research Fund for 2016-2017
RGC Earmarked Grant for Research 2012-2013
RGC Earmarked Grant for Research 2006-2007
NPC Patterns, staging and predictive markers
Ai Q-Y, King AD*, Mo FK, Law BKH, Bhatia KSS, Ma BB, Poon DMC, Kam MKM. Prediction of distant metastases from nasopharyngeal carcinoma: improved diagnostic performance of MRI using nodal volume in N1 and N2 stage disease. Oral Oncology, 2017; 69:74-79.
Ai QY, King AD*, Law BK, Yeung DK, Bhatia KS, Yuan J, Ahuja AT, Wong LY, Ma BB, Mo FK, Kam MK. Diffusion-weighted imaging of nasopharyngeal carcinoma to predict distant metastases. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2017;274:1045-1051
ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Singapore, 7-13 May 2016
Awarded of Magna cum laude
Law BK, King AD*, Bhatia KS, Ahuja AT, Kam MK, Ma BB, Ai QY, Mo FK, Yuan J, Yeung DK. Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Can Pretreatment DWI Predict Local Failure Based on Long-Term Outcome? AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2016;37(9):1706-1712
Nominee for the annual Lucien Levy Best Research Article Award. American Journal of Neuroradiology in 2016.
Abdel Razek A, King AD. MRI and CT of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2012;198:11-18
King AD*, Bhatia KS. Magnetic resonance imaging staging of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in the head and neck. World Journal of Radiology. 2010;2:159-165
Hui EP, Ma BB, Leung SF, King AD, Mo F, Kam MK, Yu BK, Chiu SK, Kwan WH, Ho R, Chan I, Ahuja AT, Zee BC, Chan AT. Randomized phase II trial of concurrent cisplatin-radiotherapy with or without neoadjuvant docetaxel and cisplatin in advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2009;10:27:242-249
Ma BB, Mo FK, Chan AT, Hui EP, Leung SF, Lo YM, Yau YY, King AD. The prognostic significance of tumor vascular invasion and its association with plasma Epstein-Barr virus DNA, tumor volume and metabolic activity in locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Oral Oncology 2008;44:1067-72
King AD*, Zee B, Yuen EH, Leung SF, Yeung DK, Ma BB, Wong JK, Kam MK, Ahuja AT, Chan AT. Nasopharyngeal cancers: which method should be used to measure these irregularly shaped tumors on cross-sectional imaging? International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2007;69:148-154
Lee FK, Yeung DK, King AD, Leung SF, Ahuja AT. Segmentation of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) lesions in MR images. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2005;61:608-620
King AD*, Teo P, Lam WWM, Leung SF and Metreweli C. Paranasopharyngeal space involvement in nasopharyngeal carcinoma: detection by CT and MRI. Clinical Oncology 2000; 12:397-402
King AD*, Ahuja AT, Leung SF, Lam WWM, Teo P, Chan YL and Metreweli C. Neck node metastases from nasopharyngeal carcinoma: MR imaging of patterns of disease. Head and Neck 2000; 22:275-281
King AD*, Lam W, Leung SF, Chan YL, Teo P, Metreweli C. MRI of local disease in nasopharyngeal carcinoma: tumour extent vs tumour stage. British Journal Radiology 1999; 72: 734-741
NPC Treatment-induced complications
Lee FK, King AD, Kam MK, Ma BB, Yeung DK. Radiation Injury of the Parotid Glands During Treatment for Head and Neck Cancer: Assessment Using Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging. Radiat Res 2011;3:175:291-296
King AD*, Griffith JF, Abrigo JM, Leung SF, Yau FK, Tse GMK, Ahuja AT. Osteoradionecrosis of the upper cervical spine: MR imaging following radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. European Radiology 2010;73:629-635
Wang YX, King AD*, Zhou H, Leung SF, Abrigo J, Chan YL, Hu CW, Yeung DKW, Ahuja AT. Evolution of radiation-induced brain injury: MR imaging-based study. Radiology. 2010;254(1):210-218
Bhatia KS, King AD, Paunipagar BK, Abrigo J, Vlantis AC, Leung SF, Ahuja AT. MRI findings in patients with severe trismus following radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. European Radiology 2009;19:2586-2593
Abrigo JM, King AD*, Leung SF, Vlantis AC, Wong JK, Tong MC, Tse GM, Ahuja AT. MRI of radiation-induced tumors of the head and neck in post-radiation nasopharyngeal carcinoma. European Radiology 2009;19:1197-1205
King AD*, Ahuja AT, Leung SF, Abrigo J, Wong KT, Poon WS, Woo KS, Chan HS, Tse MK. MR imaging of non-malignant polyps and masses of the nasopharynx and sphenoid sinus following radiotherapy for nasophyaryngeal carcinoma. American Journal of Neuroradiology 2008;29:1209-1214
King AD*, Ahuja AT, Yeung DK, Wong JK, Lee YY, Lam WW, Ho SS, Yu SC, Leung SF. Delayed complications of radiotherapy treatment for nasopharyngeal carcinoma: imaging findings. Clinical Radiology 2007;62:195-203
King AD*, Yuen EHY, Chan PN, Leung SF, Tse GMK, Kam MKM, Ahuja AT. MR mimics of recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma. European Journal of Radiology Extra 2005;55:23-27
King AD*, Ahuja AT, Teo P, Tse GMK, Kew J. Radiation induced sarcomas of the head and neck following radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Clinical Radiology 2000; 55:684-689
Chan YL, Leung SF, King AD, Choi P, Metreweli C. Late radiation injury to the temporal lobes: morphologic evaluation at MR imaging. Radiology 1999; 213: 800-807
Functional/Molecular MRI of Head & Neck Tumours
King AD*, Thoeny HC. Functional MRI for the prediction of treatment response in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: potential and limitations. Cancer Imaging. 2016 Aug 19;16(1):23. doi: 10.1186/s40644-016-0080-6. Review
Thoeny HC, De Kayzer F, King AD. Diffusion-weighted MR imaging in the head and neck. Radiology 2012;263:19-32
Ai QY, King AD*, Law BK, Yeung DK, Bhatia KS, Yuan J, Ahuja AT, Wong LY, Ma BB, Mo FK, Kam MK. Diffusion-weighted imaging of nasopharyngeal carcinoma to predict distant metastases. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2017;274:1045-1051.ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Singapore, 7-13 May 2016.
Law BK, King AD*, Bhatia KS, Ahuja AT, Kam MK, Ma BB, Ai QY, Mo FK, Yuan J, Yeung DK. Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Can Pretreatment DWI Predict Local Failure Based on Long-Term Outcome? AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2016;37(9):1706-1712
Yuan J, Yeung DK, Mok GS, Bhatia KS, Wang YX, Ahuja AT, King AD. Non-Gaussian analysis of diffusion weighted imaging in head and neck at 3T: a pilot study in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. PLoS One 2014;9:e87024
King AD*, Chow KK, Yu KH, Mo FK, Yeung DK, Yuan J, Bhatia KS, Vlantis AC, Ahuja AT. Head and Neck squamous cell carcinoma: diagnostic performance of diffusion-weighted MR imaging for the prediction of treatment response. Radiology 2013;266:531-538
Fong D, Bhatia KS, Yeung D, King AD. Diagnostic accuracy of diffusion-weighted MR imaging for nasopharyngeal carcinoma, head and neck lymphoma and squamous cell carcinoma at the primary site. Oral Oncology 2010;46(8):603-606
King AD*, Mo FK, Yu KH, Yeung DKW, Zhou Hua, Bhatia KS, Tse GMK, Vlantis AC, Wong JKT, Ahuja AT. Squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: diffusion-weighted MR imaging for prediction and monitoring of treatment response. European Radiology 2010;20:2213-2220
King AD*, Ahuja AT, Yeung DKW, Fong DKY, Lee YYP, Lei KIK, Tse GMK Malignant cervical lymphadenopathy: Diagnostic accuracy of MR diffusion weighted imaging (DWI). Radiology 2007; 245:806-813
Yeung DK, Fong KY, Chan QC, King AD. Chemical shift imaging in the head and neck at 3T: initial results. Journal of Magn Reson Imaging. 2010;32:1248-1254
King AD*, Yeung DK, Yu KH, Mo FK, Bhatia KS, Tse GM, Vlantis AC, Wong JK, Hu CW, Ahuja AT. Pretreatment and early intratreatment prediction of clinicopathologic response of head and neck cancer to chemoradiotherapy using 1H-MRS. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2010;32:199-203
King AD*, Yeung DK, Yu KH, Mo FK, Hu CW, Bhatia KS, Tse GM, Vlantis AC, Wong KT, Ahuja AT. Monitoring of treatment response after chemoradiotherapy for head and neck cancer using in vivo (1)HMR spectroscopy. European Radiology 2010;20:165-172
King AD*, Yeung DK, Ahuja AT, Tse GMK, Yuen HY, Wong KT, van Hasselt CA. Salivary gland tumors at in vivo proton MR spectroscopy. Radiology 2005; 237: 563-569
King AD*, Yeung DK, Ahuja AT, Yuen EH, Ho SF, Tse GM, van Hasselt. Human cervical lymphadenopathy: evaluation with in vivo 1H-MRS at 1.5T. Clinical Radiology 2005;60:592-598
King AD*, Yeung DK, Ahuja AT, Tse GM, Chan AB, Lam SS, van Hasselt AC. In vivo 1H MR spectroscopy of thyroid carcinoma. European Journal of Radiology 2005;54:112-117
King AD*, Chow SKK, Yu KH, Mo FKF, Yeung DKW, Yuan J, Law BKH, Bhatia KS, Vlantis AC, Ahuja AT. DCE-MRI for pre-treatment prediction and post-treatment assessment of treatment response in sites of squamous cell carcinoma in the head and neck. PLoS One 2015 Dec 10;10(12):e0144770
Shi L, Wang D, Liu W, Fang K, Wang YX, Huang W, King AD, Heng PA, Ahuja AT. Automatic detection of arterial input function in dynamic contrast enhanced MRI based on affinity propagation clustering. J Magn Reson Imaging 2014;39:1327-1337
Yuan J, Chow SK, Zhang Q, Yeung DK, Ahuja AT, King AD. The use of dynamic tracer concentration in veins for quantitative DCE-MRI kinetic analysis in head and neck. PLoS One 2013;8:e59885
Yuan J, Chow SK, Yeung DK, Ahuja AT, King AD. Quantitative evaluation of dual-flip-angle T1 mapping on DCE-MRI kinetic parameter estimation in head and neck. Quant Imaging Med Surg 2012;2:245-253
Yuan J, Chow SK, King AD, Yeung DK. Heuristic linear mapping of physiological parameters in dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI without T(1) measurement and contrast agent concentration. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2012;35:916-925
Yuan J, Chow SK, Yeung DK, King AD. A five-colour colour-coded mapping method for DCE-MRI analysis of head and neck tumours. Clin Radiol 2012;67:216-223
Lee FK, King AD, Ma BB, Yeung DK. Dynamic contrast enhancement magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) for differential diagnosis in head and neck cancers. Eur J Radiol 2012;81:784-788
King AD*, Lam W, Chan YL, Leung SF, Metreweli C. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma: dynamic MR imaging with gadolinium. Chinese Medical Journal 1998; 111:593-598
Yuan J, Chen SZ, King AD, Zhou JY, Bhatia KS, Zhang QW, Yeung DK, Wei J, Mok G, Wang YX. Amide proton transfer-weighted imaging of the head and neck at 3T: a feasibility study on healthy human subjects and patients with head and neck cancer. NMR In Biomedicine 2014;27:1239-1247
Competitive Grant as PI
RGC General Research Fund for 2014-2015
RGC Earmarked Grant for Research 2008-2009
RGC Earmarked Grant for Research 2004-2005
MRI Post-treatment Neck
King AD*, Yu KH, Mo FK, Law BK, Yuen TW, Bhatia KS, Vlantis AC. Cervical nodal metastases from head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: MRI criteria for treatment assessment. Head Neck. 2016 Apr; 38 Suppl 1:E1598-604.
King AD*, Keung CK, Yu KH, Mo FK, Bhatia KS, Yeung DK, Tse GM, Vlantis AC, Ahuja AT. T2-weighted MR imaging early after chemoradiotherapy to evaluate treatment response in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. AJNR AM J Neuroradiol 2013;34:1237-1241
Bhatia KS, King AD, Yu KH, Vlantis AC, Tse GM, Mo FK, Ahuja AT. Does primary tumour volumetry performed early in the course of definitive concomitant chemoradiotherapy for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma improve prediction of primary site outcome? British Journal of Radiology 2010;83:964-970
For functional studies please see above
MRI of Head & Neck lymphoma, Lymph nodes, and Thyroid cancer
King AD*, Law BK, Tang WK, Mo FK, Raghupathy R, Bhatia KS, Lei KI. MRI of diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the head and neck: comparison of Waldeyer’s ring and sinonasal lymphoma. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2017;274(2):1079-1087. doi: 10.1007/s00405-016-4337-2.
King AD*, Lei KI, Ahuja AT. MRI of neck nodes in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the head and neck. British Journal of Radiology 2004;77:111-115
King AD*, Yuen HY, Lei KIK, Ahuja AT, van Hasselt A. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the larynx: CT and MR imaging findings. American Journal of Neuroradiology 2004;25:12-15
King AD*, Lei KIK, Richards PS, Ahuja AT. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the nasopharynx: CT and MR Imaging. Clinical Radiology 2003;59:621-625
King AD*, Lei IK, Ahuja AT. MRI of primary non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the palatine tonsil. British Journal of Radiology 2001; 74: 226-229
King AD*, Lei IK, Ahuja AT, Lam WWM, Metreweli C. MR imaging of nasal T-cell / natural killer cell lymphoma. American Journal of Roentgenology 2000; 174:209-211.
King AD*. Imaging for staging and management of thyroid cancer. Cancer Imaging 2008;8:57-69
King AD*, Ahuja AT, To EWH, Tse GMK, Metreweli C. Staging papillary carcinoma of the thyroid: magnetic resonance imaging vs ultrasound of the neck. Clinical Radiology 2000; 55:222-226
King AD*, Tse GMK, Yuen E, To EWH, Vlantis AC, Zee B, Chan BW, van Hasselt AC, Ahuja AT. Comparison of CT and MR imaging for the detection of extranodal neoplastic spread in metastatic neck nodes. European Journal of Radiology 2004;52:264-270
King AD*, Tse GMK, Ahuja AT, Yuen EHY, Vlantis AC, To EWH, van Hasselt AC. Necrosis in metastatic neck nodes: diagnostic accuracy of CT, MR imaging and US. Radiology 2004;230:720-726