(Please scroll down for English version)
本中心與藝術行政主任辦公室合辦之「博群影院」,將於 2019 年上旬每月放映一齣精選電影,包括:《傘上:遍地開花》、《阿飛正傳》、《讀愛》及《頤和園》。
2018-19 博群影院之放映詳情如下:
1 月 10 日|晚上 7 時|邵逸夫堂|
120 分鐘|級別 IIB|粵語(輔以英語)|中、英文字幕|
1 月 10 日|晚上 9 時 05 分|邵逸夫堂大堂|
本片從社運人士及「雨傘運動」參加者的角度拍攝,近距離記錄 2014 年夏秋之交爆發的街頭抗爭,由九二八數萬名示威者包圍政府總部,到警方發射催淚彈…… 影片跟隨運動中每一細節與起伏,帶領觀眾親臨運動的核心,見證香港爭取民主的激蕩與掙扎。
本片入圍第 55 屆金馬獎最佳紀錄片。
2 月 11 日|晚上 7 時|邵逸夫堂|
94 分鐘|級別 IIA|粵語|英文字幕|
本片以 1960 年代初為背景。英俊不覊的旭仔(阿飛)是上海移民,自小由養母照顧,從未見過生母。受童年陰影困擾,他對生命中所遇的每個女人都冷酷無情,甚至曾跟他同居的售票員蘇麗珍和舞女咪咪,也遭其相繼拋棄。他決意尋找其生母,並為此隻身前往菲律賓,可惜事與願違,生母拒絕與他見面。旭仔表面雖不務正業、風流成性,但骨子卻充滿柔情。直到生命終結一刻,他始終沒有忘記與蘇麗珍的「一分鐘愛情」。
3 月 13 日|晚上 7 時|邵逸夫堂|
124 分鐘|級別 III|英語|中文字幕|
導演:史提芬 · 杜德利
3 月 13 日|晚上 9 時 15 分|邵逸夫堂|
年僅 15 歲的學生米高因身體不適在街道上狂吐,剛巧碰上比他年長 21 載的韓娜。韓娜見狀為他清理並送他回家。這段獨特經歷一直在米高腦中揮之不去,讓他對韓娜產生無限眷戀。韓娜要求米高為她朗讀名家著作,朗讀從此成為兩人相處時光的重要序幕。有一天,韓娜突然不辭而別,米高傷心不已。八年後,米高成為法律學生,當他跟隨教授到法庭旁聽納粹戰犯審訊時,赫然發現被告竟是久別的韓娜。米高難以理解為何韓娜會承認所有罪行,抽絲剝繭下發現她為了掩飾一個秘密,竟願意接受終生冤獄……
4 月 17 日|晚上 7 時|邵逸夫堂|
140 分鐘|級別 III|普通語|英文字幕|
4 月 17 日|晚上 9 時 25 分|邵逸夫堂|
故事以六四天安門事件為背景,獲北清大學錄取的余紅,在 1987 年隻身離開家鄉,前往北京求學。他與同校的周偉愛得火熱。對周偉來說,他無法招架余紅過於剛硬的個性,對余紅來說,因為太愛對方,她興起離開的念頭。1989 年 6 月,北大學生為自由民主在天安門廣場示威請願,最終遭到鎮壓,余紅和周偉的戀情亦隨此走到盡頭。
《讀愛》及《頤和園》只准 18 歲或以上人士觀看。
放映前 20 分鐘開始入場。
電話:3943 8621
The I·CARE Theatre, co-organised by this Centre and The Office of the Arts Administrator, has scheduled a fine selection of films for every month in early-2019. These films include Umbrella Diaries: The First Umbrella; Days of Being Wild; The Reader; and Summer Palace.
Details of the I·CARE Theatre 2019 are set out below:
Umbrella Diaries: The First Umbrella
10 January 2019|7:00 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|
120 min|Category IIB|
In Cantonese (supplemented with English), with subtitles in Chinese and English| Director: James Leong
Post-screening Discussion
10 January 2019|9:05 pm|Foyer of Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|
Speaker: James Leong, Shu Kei (Executive Producer)
Host: Prof. Eric Poon (School of Journalism and Communication)
Language: Cantonese
This film closely charts the Umbrella Movement, which was held in the summer-autumn of 2014, through the perspectives of the social activists and the participants. From the September 28 rally in which tens of thousands of protestors occupied the Government Headquarters through the fire of tear gas by the Police……this documentary brings audience to the core of the movement, allowing them to experience every restless moments of that remarkable period and to witness how Hong Kong struggles and fights for democracy.
This film is shortlisted Best Documentary of the 55th Golden Horse Film Awards.
Days of Being Wild
11 February 2019|7:00 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|
94 min|Category IIA|In Cantonese with English subtitles|
Director: Wong Kar-wai
Set in the early 1960s, the film centres on the handsome young man, Yuddy (Ah Fei), who is an immigrant from Shanghai. Having been adopted since early childhood, Yuddy has never met his biological mother. As affected by unresolved childhood issues, Yuddy has been ruthless to all the women that he has ever come across in life, including his two girlfriends, Su Lizhen and Mimi, whom he had dumped one after another. With a strong obsession towards his biological mother, Yuddy has determined to head to the Philippines to meet her. Unfortunately, his mother refused to see him. On surface, Yuddy is an irreverent person. But there is in fact great tenderness in his heart - he has never forgotten the “one-minute romance” with Su Lizhen, not even at the very last moment of his life.
The Reader
13 March 2019|7:00 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|
124 min|Category III|In English with Chinese subtitles|
Director: Stephen Daldry
Post-screening Discussion
13 March 2019|9:15 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|
Host: Prof. Chow Po-chung (Development of Government and Public Administration)
Language: Cantonese
Michael, a 15-year-old student, falls ill on his way home. He has been rescued by Hanna, a woman who is 21 years older. Despite their age difference, the two begin an unexpected and passionate affair. Their romantic liaisons are characterised by Hanna’s asking Michael to read literary works to her. One day, Hanna mysteriously disappears. Michael is heartbroken. Eight years later when Michael becomes a law student, he meets Hanna again at the Nazi war trials. He is astounded to see that Hanna is one of the defendants and feels shocked at her admittance of all the alleged offences. Michael later discovers that his boyhood love has been guarding a secret she considers as more shameful than receiving a wrongful life imprisonment……
Summer Palace
17 April 2019|7:00 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|
140 min|Category III|In Mandarin with English subtitles|
Director: Lou Ye
Post-screening Discussion
17 April 2019|9:25 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|
Host: Prof. Chow Po-chung (Department of Government and Public Administration)
Language: Cantonese
The story sets against the background of June 4 Tiananmen Square protests. Having admitted to Beiqing University, Yu Hong leaves her family for Beijing to study. She falls in love with her fellow student Zhou Wei, and their relationship has been driven by passions that no one can understand or control. To Zhou, Yu is way too stiff. As for Yu, she is so much into Zhou that she wants to part with him. In June of 1989, university students protest for freedom and democracy at Tiananmen Square. Eventually, the protests collapses. The relationship between Yu and Zhou ends amidst the social chaos.
The couple seems to be destined to separate. Zhou moves to Berlin, while Yu returns to the small town where she used to live. Nonetheless, the two have been thinking about each other during their 10 years of separation. One day, they meet again by chance, but their souls have already changed. With uncertain future ahead, will they survive together?
Apart from Umbrella Diaries: The First Umbrella is opened for public, registration for all the other aforesaid films will be opened to CUHK members (students, staff and alumni) only.
The Reader and Summer Palace are opened for persons aged 18 or above only.
All screening are free-of-charge. Free seating is made on a first-come-first-served basis.
Admission will start 20 minutes before the screening time.
Photo taking and video recording are prohibited.
I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
Tel: 3943 8621
Email: icare@cuhk.edu.hk