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2019-20 博群踐行者計劃 I·CARE Achievers Programme 2019-20

(Please scroll down for English version)







「品格對談」第一回已於 6 24 日在線上順利進行,該集主題爲「互分有餘」,由「惜食堂」創辦人董愛麗女士分享她在本地推廣惜食文化與關愛精神的經歷和心得。如錯過當日直播,歡迎按 此處 前往本中心臉書專頁收看節目重溫。


日  期:2020 年 7 月 27 日(星期一)

時  間:下午 3 時至 4 時 30

内  容:主持跟嘉賓交流;參加者問答環節

語  言:粵語

對  象:中大同學、員工及校友(同時歡迎其他人士參加)

直播平台:請按 此處 前往本中心臉書專頁收看




日  期:2020 年 6 月 24 日(星期三)

時  間:下午 3 時至 5 時

内  容:主持跟嘉賓交流;參加者問答環節

語  言:粵語

對  象:中大同學、員工及校友(同時歡迎其他人士參加)

直播平台:請按 此處 前往本中心臉書專頁收看


品格教育包含的各個品格特質(例如「感恩」、「善良」及「希望」),乃達成全人發展的重要元素。本中心爲響應世界近年大力推行的品格教育,已代表中大登記成為 2019-20「香港品格日」之認可參與院校。

「香港品格日」乃品格教育協會之旗艦項目,旨在於社會推廣良好品格。此項目於 2016 年首次舉行,每年以一個品格特質作爲主題,邀請不同界別知名人士擔任大使、拍攝短片及製作資源,供學校及組織使用。本年度「香港品格日」於 2019年 9 月 28日至 2020 年 6 月 30 日期間進行,選題為「愛」,並以「活出愛」作口號,鼓勵大眾認識「愛」的意義,以及學習如何向他人或自己施以「愛」;有關詳情,可在 這裡 瀏覽。

本中心現誠邀中大部門及學生團體於 2020 年 6 月 19 日或以前,把曾舉辦與「愛」有關的活動之相片或短片電郵至;本中心將代為轉交品格教育協會,以代表中大在 2019-20「香港品格日」的參與。此外,各部門亦可於上述活動期間,經本中心向品格教育協會索取其製作之短片和教學資源,協助宣揚品格教育。


本學年「博群踐行者計劃」之核心小組培育已於去年 10 月進行面試,甄選出 30 位同學加入本計劃成立以來的第二個核心小組;小組成員按個人興趣分為四隊,分別爲遠足、馬拉松、農耕和露營。





電話: 3943 1595



Programme Booklet (Chinese version only)

Value Exploration Series

The “Value Exploration Series” of the I·CARE Achievers Programme aims to enhance self-awareness and good qualities of CUHK members through a series of activities on character building, thereby promoting positive development of the community and the world. Two activities under this series were organised in the 1st term, namely “Mindfulness Day” and “Remoulding Camp”.


2nd Session of Dialogue on Character: Live in Hope

The “Value Exploration Series” of the I·CARE Achievers Programme has recently rolled out the “Dialogue on Character” with Professor Joseph Sung and Professor Edwin Chan, Co-Chairmen of the Steering Committee for Promoting Personal Development through Social and Civic Engagement of the University, being the hosts.  Influential figures in the city are invited to share their beliefs and life stories, by which the participants can be enlightened on how positive character traits are intertwined with personal success and achievements.

The first session of the “Dialogue on Character” was successfully held online on the 24th of June. Themed “Sparing through Sharing”, this episode had Ms. Gigi Tung Oi-lai, Founder of Food Angel, to share her views and experience of reducing local food waste and nurturing a caring culture in the community.  If you miss the live broadcast, please click here to visit the Facebook page of this Centre for a review.

The second session of the “Dialogue on Character” is titled “Live in Hope” which will feature Mrs. Gwen Kao Wong May-wan, Chairman of the Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer’s Disease. Details are as follows:

Date: 27 July 2020 (Monday)

Time: 3:00 - 4:30 pm

Content: Exchange among the hosts and guest; Q & A for participants

Language: Cantonese

Target: Students, staff and alumni of CUHK (other people are also welcomed)

Live broadcast: Please click here to visit the Facebook page of this Centre for viewing

1st Session of Dialogue on Character: Sparing through Sharing

The “Value Exploration Series” of the I·CARE Achievers Programme will roll out the “Dialogue on Character” with Professor Joseph Sung and Professor Edwin Chan, Co-Chairmen of the Steering Committee for Promoting Personal Development through Social and Civic Engagement of the University, being the hosts. Influential figures in the city will be invited to share their beliefs and life stories, by which the participants can be enlightened on how positive character traits are intertwined with personal success and achievements.

Affected by the COVID-19, this tranche of the “Dialogue on Character” is to be conducted online. The first session, themed “Sparing through Sharing”, will have Ms. Gigi Tung Oi-lai, Founder of Bo Charity Foundation and Food Angel served as guest. Details are as follows:

Date: 24 June 2020 (Wednesday)

Time: 3:00 - 5:00 pm

Content: Exchange among the hosts and guest; Q & A for participants

Language: Cantonese

Target: Students, staff and alumni of CUHK (other people are also welcomed)

Live broadcast: Please click here to visit the Facebook page of this Centre for viewing

Appeal for Photos / Videos of Activities Conducted in Relation to “Love”

The character traits under character education (e.g. “Gratitude”, “Kindness” and “Hope”) form an integral part of whole-person development. In response to the global efforts in promoting character education in recent years, this Centre has represented CUHK to register in the Character Day Hong Kong in 2019-20 as a recognised participating institution.

Character Day Hong Kong is a flagship campaign of the Character Education Foundation (CEF) aiming to enhance moral strength of the community. This campaign was launched in 2016 with a character trait selected as its theme. Different character traits have been chosen to mark the campaigns of the subsequent years. Besides inviting celebrities from different sectors to become the campaign ambassadors, CEF produces video clips and materials for use of the participating schools and organisations. Scheduled for 28 September 2019 - 30 June 2020, the Character Day Hong Kong of this year is themed “Love” and has adopted “Live out Love” as its slogan to encourage the public to gain an understanding of what “love” is, and practice how to endow others or oneself with “love”. For more information, please visit here.

This Centre is now collecting records of activities conducted in relation to “love”. CUHK units and student bodies are welcomed to send photos/ videos of the activities concerned to on or before 19 June 2020. Such a submission will be transmitted to CEF as part of the CUHK’s participation in the campaign. Moreover, CUHK units may obtain, via this Centre, the video clips and educational materials of CEF for promotion of character education.

Core Group Nurture

The “Core Group Nurture” under the I·CARE Achievers Programme of this academic year had its selection interview conducted in October last year, and finally recruited 30 students to form the 2nd core group of this programme since its inception.




Miss Wong of I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 1595



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