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2018-19 社會企業起動計劃:接受報名 Social Enterprise Startup Scheme 2018-19: Open for Enrolment

(Please scroll down for English version)

本中心自 2015-16 推出「社會企業起動計劃」以來,一直支持中大學生及年輕校友善用一己 專長,開辦全新或拓展正在營運的社會企業。此計劃注重導師帶領,會由具豐富經驗的校友指導參加者擬定營運計劃及運作企業的技巧,並助他們建立人脈、擴闊眼界。參加者更有機會獲得「中大社企基金」以成立社會企業,幫助解決社會問題。詳情如下:


  1. 每隊最少二人,最多十人,隊伍中起碼一半人為中大學生或畢業三年內的校友

  2. 參加者只可擔任一隊的隊長,而隊長必須為中大學生或校友

  3. 隊伍中一半人(包括隊長)須於 2018 年 10 月至 11 月期間舉行的社創領袖工作坊達五成出席率,以獲得甄選資格

  4. 曾於 2017-18 提交營運計劃書申請「中大社企基金」的隊伍,出席率要求可豁免

  5. 項目從未獲取本中心轄下香港中文大學尤努斯社會事業中心的「社創領袖獎

  6. 項目不能同時申請「中大社企基金」及「社創領袖獎


2019 年 1 月 14 至 25 日 :面試

2019 年 2 至 1 月 :結果公佈

2019 年 2 至 5 月 :「社會企業起動計劃」之工作坊、導師計劃

2019 年 6 月 7 日 :提交營運計劃書

2019 年 7 月上旬 :報告(實際日子會在 2019 年 1 月 25 日前公佈)


  1. 創新性

  2. 可持續發展性

  3. 執行能力

  4. 社會效益

  5. 利害關係人參與

  6. 創業能力


獲選隊伍最高可獲 HK$100,000 種子資金




2019 年 1 月 14 日晚上 11 時 59 分



電話:3943 9249


Launched by this Centre in 2015-16, the Social Enterprise Startup Scheme has been encouraging CUHK students and recent graduates to make good use of their expertise to establish or expand their social enterprises. Participants will enrol in a mentorship programme through which valuable advice on formulating business plan and practical skills of running an enterprise will be offered by experienced alumni. The horizon and business network of participants are also expected to be widened. Above all, they may receive CUSE Fund to start up an enterprise with social mission. Details are as follows:


  1. Each team must consist of 2 to 10 participants, at least half of which are CUHK students or alumni who graduated within the last three years

  2. Participants may serve as the Project Leader (PL) for one team only, and the PL should be either a CUHK student or an alumnus

  3. To qualify for the interview, at least half of the team (including the PL) should attain an attendance rate of at least 50% in the S.I. Leadership Workshop which are conducted in October and November of 2018

  4. The attendance requirement of the teams who have submitted business plan to apply for CUSE Fund 2017-18 can be waived

  5. The project has never received S.I. Leadership Award organised by the Yunus Social Business Centre@CUHK, which is a subsidiary of this Centre

  6. The project cannot apply for CUSE Fund and S.I. Leadership Award simultaneously


14 – 25 January 2019: Interview

1 February 2019: Announcement of result

February – May 2019: Workshops and mentorship under the Social Enterprise Startup Scheme

7 June 2019: Submission of business plan

Early-July 2019: Presentation (Exact dates to be confirmed by 25 January 2019)

Judging criteria

  1. Innovation

  2. Sustainability

  3. Execution/ implementation

  4. Social impact

  5. Stakeholders engagement

  6. Entrepreneurship


Each selected team will receive a maximum of HK$100,000 as seed money


The scheme will be conducted in Cantonese


11:59 pm of 14 Jan 2019


Mr. Ng of I­·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 9249


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