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2019-20 社會企業起動計劃:培訓活動(二) Social Enterprise Startup Scheme 2019-20: Training Activity (II)

本學年的「社會企業起動計劃」於 1 月 21 日舉行面試,結果共 16 個團隊獲參加機會。入選團隊現正積極籌備競逐「中大社企基金」,以獲取高達港幣十萬元(每隊)的種子資金;期間除接受六位經驗豐富的導師指導外,還須參加「培訓活動(二)」,學習擬定營運計劃及運作企業的技巧。

受新冠病毒疫情影響,「培訓活動(二)」的安排須稍作更改。原訂 2 月 5 日及 5 月 14 日舉行的兩個工作坊,現需延期,詳情如下:


日 期:2020 年 4 月 22 日(星期三)

時 間:晚上 7 時至 10 時

地 點:王福元樓 502 室

講 者:杜國倫先生(「得閒去飲茶」聯合創辦人)


日 期:2020 年 5 月 26 日(星期二)

時 間:晚上 7 時至 10 時

地 點:王福元樓 502 室

講 者:林植良先生及周卓華先生(均爲本計劃導師 ── 簡介請按此處

至於「社企策劃與營運」工作坊,則已按原訂計劃於上月 12 日順利舉行。該工作坊由同為「TSIC」大中華區總監的蕭景威先生及周文峰先生主講,啟發 15 位參加者探索切合自己的商業模式,並透過思考「改變理論」,預想其初創社企能為社會帶來甚麼影響。




電話:3943 9249


The Social Enterprise Startup Scheme of this academic year has conducted an interview on the 21st of January, after which 16 teams were selected to join the scheme.  These teams are currently preparing themselves to compete for the CUSE Fund with a maximum of HK$100,000 (per team) as seed money.  They were not only allocated to six experienced mentors for obtaining their valuable advice, but they should also attend the “Training Activity (II)” to equip themselves with knowledge of formulating business plans and practical skills of running an enterprise. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the timetable for the “Training Activity (II)” is slightly changed.  The workshops originally fixed on the 5th of February and the 14th of May have been postponed.  Details are as follows: Workshop on “Strategic Marketing and Value Proposition” Date: 22 April 2020 (Wednesday)

Time: 7:00 - 10:00 pm

Venue: Room 502, Wong Foo Yuan Building

Speaker: Mr. Alan To (Co-founder of Yum Cha Together)

Workshop on “Financial Management of Business” Date:26 May 2020 (Tuesday)

Time:7:00 - 10:00 pm

Venue:Room 502, Wong Foo Yuan Building

Speaker:Mr. Gordon Lam and Mr. Angus Chau (both mentors of this scheme - biography vide here)

As for the workshop on “Social Enterprise Planning and Operation”, it was conducted successfully on the 12th of last month as scheduled.  This workshop was presided by Mr. Kyrus Siu and Mr. Richard Chow (both Directors, Greater China, TSIC) who inspired the 15 participants to explore the most suitable models for their projects, and to make use of the “Theory of Change” to envision the possible social changes that their social enterprises may bring about. For more information and latest updates about the Social Enterprise Startup Scheme, please click here to visit the Facebook page of CUSE Fund.


Mr. Ng of I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 9249


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