聯屬成員 /
Adjunct Professor
BA, MPhil (Hong Kong)
PhD (New England)
Yong He, Jun-Yi Hao, Wei He, K.C. Lam, Fu-Liu Xu (2018) “Spatiotemporal variations of aquatic ecosystem health status in Tolo Harbor, Hong Kong from 1986-2014, Ecological Indicator, 100, 20-29.
Gille, L-A, Catherine, Marquis-Favre (2017) “Partial and total annoyance due to road traffic noise combined with aircraft or railway noise: structural equation analysis”, International J. Env. Res. & Public Health, 14:1478.
Brown, A.L., K.C. Lam (2015) “Soundscape planning as a complement to environmental noise control”, Noise/News International, 23:14-21.Brown, A.L., K.C. Lam, I. van Kamp (2014) “Quantification of the exposure and effects of road traffic noise in a dense Asian city: comparison with western cities”, under review.
Wu, J, I.-Shin Chang, K.C, Lam, M.M. Shi (2014) “Integration of environmental impact assessment into decision-making process: practice of urban and rural planning in China”, J. of Cleaner Production, 69 (2014) 100-108.
Lam, K.C., W_C Ma, P.K. Chan, W.C. Hui, K.L. Chung, Y.T.T. Chung, C.Y. Wong, H. Lin (2013) “Relationship between road traffic noisescape and urban form in Hong Kong”, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185(12), 9683-95.
Wang, Y, K-C Lam, M.K. Harder, W-Ma & Q. Yu (2013) “Developing an indicator system to foster sustainability in strategic planning in China: A case study of Pudong New Area”, Ecological Indicators, 29, 376-389.
Lam, K.C., W-C Ma (2012) “Road traffic noise exposure in residential complexes built at different times between 1950 and 2000 in Hong Kong”, Applied Acoustics, 73, 1112-1120.
Lam, K.C., Y.T.T. Chung (2012) “Exposure of Urban Population to Road Traffic Noise in Hong”, Transport Research D: Transport & Environment, 17, 466-472..
Fan, X-P., K.C. Lam (2012) “Differential exposure of the urban population to vehicular air pollution in Hong Kong”, Science of the Total Environment, 426, 211-219.
Xu, H., T. Bai,, H-Z. Wang & K.C. Lam (2012) Techniques and Methods of Planning EIA 《規划環境評價的技術与方法》, 273 pp. Beijing: Science Press.
Fung, T., H. Lesbirel & K.C. Lam (2011) Facility Siting in the Asia-Pacific: Perspectives on Knowledge Production and Utilisation, pp.169-182. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.
Wu, J., I-S Chang, O. Bina, K-C Lam and H. Xu (2011) “Strategic environmental assessment implementation in China-Five-year review and prospects”, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 31, 77-84.
Xu, H., D.Y.Q Chen, K.C. Lam & T. Zhu (2010) Theory and Practice of SEA in China 《中國戰略環境評價理與實踐》, Beijing: Environmental Science Press.
Law, C.W., Lee, C.K., Aaron Lui, S.W., Maurice Yeung, K.L. & Lam, K.C. (2011) “Advancement of three-dimensional noise mapping in Hong Kong”, Applied Acoustics, 72, 534-543.
Lam, K.C., A.L. Brown, L.M. Marafa and K.C. Chau (2010) “Human Preference for Countryside Soundscapes”, Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 96: 463-471.
Chau, K.C., K.C., Lam & L. M., Marafa (2010) “Visitors’ response to extraneous noise in countryside recreation areas”, Noise Control Eng. J., 58 (5), 484-492.
Wang, W., Tao, S., Wang, W.T., Shen, G.F., Zhao, J.Y. & Lam, K.C. (2009) “Airborne Particulates and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Ambient Air in Donghe, Northern China”, Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A, 44 (9), 854-860.
Lam, K.C., D.Y.Q Chen & J. Wu (2009) “Strategic Environmental Assessment in China: Opportunities, Issues and Challenges”, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 11, 369-385.
Lam, K.C., Chan, P.K., Chan, T.C., Au, W.H. & Hui, W.C. (2009) “Annoyance Response to mixed transportation noise in Hong Kong”, Applied Acoustics, 70, 1-10.
Lam, K.C. & L.Y. Woo (2008) “Public perception of locally unwanted facilities in Hong Kong: Implications for conflict resolution.”, Local Environment, 14(9), 851-869.
Lam, K.C. & W.H. Au (2008) “Human response to a step change in noise exposure following the opening of a new railway extension in Hong Kong”, Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 94, 553-562.
Chan, T.C. & K.C. Lam (2008) “The effects of information bias and riding frequency on noise annoyance to a new railway extension in Hong Kong”, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, D13, 334-339.
Research interests
Environmental impact assessment/SEA
Noise assessment, mapping and planning
Soundscape and soundscape design
Environmental policy and governance
Services/ Posts
Chairman, Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Steering Committee
Member, Land Supply Task Force (2017-2019)
Chairman, Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Steering Committee (2013-2017)
Chairman, Advisory Council on the Environment (2003-2010)
Justice of the Peace, HKSAR Government
Environmental Consultant (project basis), World Bank
Regional Award 2016, Association of Impact Assessment
Editorial Board member:
Associate Editor, Acta Acustica united with Acustica
Journal of Environmental Science (Elsevier & Chinese Academy of Science)
Journal of Tropical Geography (Guangzhou)
Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment (Beijing)