A comparative study of new towns in three Asian cities: Access to activity opportunities, travel patterns and well-being
Prof. HE Ying, Sylvia
Researchers from National University of Singapore, U of Tokyo, Singapore University of Technology and Designhe
Project period:
Jun 30, 2020 – June 29, 2022
Funding source:
CUHK Direct Grant
This project is built upon our ongoing research that examines Hong Kong’s local agglomeration economy with a focus on new towns and the job accessibility therein. In this project, we will also pay attention to other activity opportunities, such as those that serve maintenance trip purpose and discretionary trip purpose. While job accessibility has been shown to be poorer in new towns, access to other activity opportunities may be less poor or even superior in new towns and hence can be seen as an attractive aspect of suburban living. Therefore, we would like to get a more balanced view of new town living by investigate how access to opportunity affects travel patterns, physical activity and well-being and to provide policy recommendations regarding which activity opportunities need to be improved in new towns.
A new town in Japan (photo taken by: Sylvia He)