Transboundary air pollution in China and UK: Intensity, Attribution and Impacts
Prof. YIM Hung Lam, Steve
Prof. Jim Haywood (University of Exeter)
Project period:
1-1-2019 to 30-6-2021
Funding source:
CUHK–University of Exeter Joint Centre for Environmental Sustainability & Resilience (ENSURE)
Funded amount:
HKD 1,015,120
Air pollution has become a critical global environmental problem and causes significant public health impacts. Even though this environmental problem is of importance to human health, our knowledge about emissions, chemical transformations and deposition rates of air pollutants and the resultant population exposures is still limited. We propose this comprehensive study to address this issue using Doppler LiDARs network, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and atmospheric modeling.
Example of the aerosol backscatter (a for King’s Park site & c for CUHK site) and vertical velocity (b & d) of our 3DREAMS Doppler LiDAR network.