The Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law (CUHK LAW)

Thank you for supporting CUHK LAW!

* mandatory fields
Part A: Donor Particulars
Donor Type:*
Organisation / Company Name in English:*
Contact Person:
Name in English
(First Name):*
(Last Name):*
Phone No.:*
CUHK Alumni:
Alumni ID:
Graduation Year:
CUHK Staff:
Staff ID:
Part B: Donation Amount
I would like to make a donation to support CUHK LAW general development. If you would like to donate for a specific purpose, please contact us.
Donation Amount (HK$):*
Part C: Donation Method
Donation Method:*
Cheque no.:*
(Please mark the reference no. and the donator’s name at the back of the cheque and send the cheque to the Faculty of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong.)
Donation Receipt:*
Name on Receipt:*
Mailing Address:*
  • Donation receipts will be issued by CUHK for donors who have made a donation in the amount of HK$100 or above.
  • Acceptance of donations is subject to the approval of the University. Unaccepted donations will be returned to the donor.

CUHK LAW will collect personal data from you for the purpose of donation record keeping and reporting to the University’s concerned units in strict compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Your personal data will as a matter of principle not be disclosed to any third party except with your prior consent.

For enquiries, please contact CUHK LAW at

Thank you for your generous support. We are CUHK LAW!