Prof. Luke MARSH has published a co-authored book chapter “Serious sex offences in England and Wales” in Kilean, Dowds and McAlinden (eds), Sexual Violence on Trial; Local and Comparative Perspectives (Routledge, 2021) April 14, 2021
Congratulations to CUHK LAW PCLL students Kerry POON and Thomas WONG on being the overall winners of the 10th Hong Kong Human Rights Moot April 12, 2021
Prof. Steven GALLAGHER was invited to give a seminar on “The Legal Issues in Acquiring, Maintaining and Disposing of Collections” organized by The Oriental Ceramics Society of Hong Kong April 12, 2021
Prof. Fernando DIAS SIMÕES was quoted about Macau’s travel restrictions during COVID-19 in an article of Hoje Macau April 9, 2021
Prof. Bryan DRUZIN has published an article entitled “Can the Liberal Order be Sustained? Nations, Network Effects, and the Erosion of Global Institutions” in the Michigan Journal of International Law April 7, 2021
Prof. Stuart HARGREAVES was quoted in SCMP’s article “Hong Kong judiciary says courts will withhold details on defendants and police from reporters, day after city’s leader warned against ‘weaponisation’ of personal information” April 1, 2021
Prof. Robin Hui HUANG has published an article on “The U.S.-China Audit Oversight Dispute: Causes, Solutions, and Implications for Hong Kong” in The International Lawyer April 1, 2021
Prof. Robin Hui HUANG has published an article on “Investor Suitability Obligations of Financial Institutions: Empirical Research and Suggestions for Improvement” in the journal Faxue Pinglun [法學評論] April 1, 2021
Prof. Rehan ABEYRATNE has published a co-authored article “Judicial Self-Dealing and Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments in South Asia” in the International Journal of Constitutional Law (OUP) March 31, 2021
CUHK LAW PhD student Jamieson KIRKWOOD has published a co-authored book chapter on “Foreign Investors vs National Tax Measures: Assessing the Role of International Investment Agreements” March 31, 2021