Prof. Chin Leng LIM, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Law was invited to co-chair the panel on ‘Reimagining Arbitration: Technology and the Pandemic (Virtual)’ for Hong Kong Arbitration Week 2020 October 20, 2020
Prof. Anne SCULLY-JOHNSON has published the Hong Kong chapter entitled “Hong Kong Family Law Today: Drowning not Waving?” in the International Survey of Family Law 2020 edition October 20, 2020
Prof. Chin Leng LIM and Prof. Jae Woon LEE were invited to be arbitrators at FDI Moot Shenzhen organized by Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA) October 19, 2020
Prof. Lutz-Christian WOLFF, Dean of CUHK LAW, was invited to speak at the 2020 Tsinghua World Forum on the Rule of Law on “Responding to Difficult Business Environments with Flexible Commercial Law?” October 16, 2020
Prof. Chin Leng LIM, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Law attended the 39th Session of Working Group III of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) October 16, 2020
Prof. Chin Leng LIM, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Law was invited by the Asian Academy of International Law (AAIL) to speak at a panel webinar on “The Separate Customs Territory of Hong Kong and the WTO” October 16, 2020
Prof. Rehan ABEYRATNE’s chapter “More Structure, More Deference: Proportionality in Hong Kong” was recently published in the volume Proportionality in Asia (Po Jen Yap ed., Cambridge University Press 2020) October 14, 2020
Prof. Lutz-Christian WOLFF, Dean of CUHK LAW, was interviewed by the Asian Legal Business, October 2020 Asia edition in the article “COVID-19 Accelerates Overhaul of Legal Education” October 14, 2020
Prof. Jyh-An LEE has recently contributed a chapter on “Domain Name Dispute Resolution in Mainland China and Hong Kong” in The Cambridge Handbook of International and Comparative Trademark Law October 14, 2020
CUHK LAW’s LLM in International Economic Law (IEL) Programme has been awarded Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowships 2021-22 by Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee (UGC) October 12, 2020