CUHK LAW PhD student Can EKEN has published a co-authored article “The Monetization of Investment Claims Promises and Pitfalls of Third-Party Funding in Investor-State Arbitration” in the Delaware Journal of Corporate Law. The article explores third-party funding in investment arbitration. It offers the first comprehensive roadmap for tribunals and policymakers to address all key problems arising out of funding arrangements with the objective to enable TPF to facilitate and increase the monetization of investment claims without jeopardizing the stability and fairness of the actual system. Read the full article here.
Mr. Eken will deliver an online lecture on this topic at the ICFAI Law School Hyderabad on 9 January 2021, in addition to third-party funding in investment arbitration he will also mention India’s role in investment arbitration and third-party funding in the lecture. Please register here to join.