GRM Scholars Among World’s Top 2% Scientists
Nine GRM scholars were named on the list of the World’s Top 2% Scientists published by Stanford University in October 2022. Six of them were included on both the “Career-Long Impact List” and the “Single-Year Impact List”.
The nine scholars (in alphabetical order of surnames) are Prof. Chen Yongqin David, Prof. Fung Tung, Prof. He Ying Sylvia, Prof. Huang Bo, Prof. Kwan Mei-Po, Prof. Lai Yuk Fo Derrick, Prof. Lau Ngar-Cheung Gabriel, Prof. Leung Yee, Prof. Shen Jianfa.
Ranking of the GRM faculty members named: [PDF]
Full list: https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/4

Information Session on MPhil/PhD Admissions
Please check the poster for details:

Professor Mei-Po Kwan awarded AAG James R. Anderson Medal of Honor
[08/06/2022] Professor Mei-Po Kwan has been awarded the 2022 James R. Anderson Medal of Honor for her multidisciplinary and paradigm-shifting contributions to applied geography. This award is the highest honour bestowed by the Applied Geography Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers (AAG). For details of the award, please see https://community.aag.org/appliedgeography/andersonmedal/andersonmedal-application.

GRM PhD Students Recognized in National and International Paper Competitions
[23/05/2022] Two GRM PhD students have received recognition of their excellent work. Mr. Zou Guannan won the runner-up in the 2022 Student Paper Award of the China Geography Specialty Group, American Association of Geographers. His winning paper unpacks the manifold proactive roles played by Chinese local governments in promoting the development of innovative industries. Mr Shi Dehao also received a second prize in the 17th National Young Planners Urban Planning Essay Competition organized by the Urban Planning Society of China. His winning entry examines China’s urbanization through family rationality and the capitalization of education.

Alumna Yu Chui-yee appointed CUHK Honorary Fellow
[16/05/2022] Congratulations to our alumna Ms Yu Chui-yee who has been appointed CUHK Honorary Fellow for her outstanding sport achievements and social contributions. A seven-time Paralympic gold medallist in fencing, Ms Yu graduated from GRM’s undergraduate programme in 2008 despite her busy training and competition schedule. For her citation, please see: https://honfellow.cuhk.edu.hk/Citation/en/20_yuchuiyee.pdf

GRM Students Crowned Champions in ESRI Young Scholars Award 2022
[10/05/2022] Five GRM students brought home two champions in the ESRI Young Scholars Award 2022 with their innovative, policy-oriented GIS applications. Mr SUM Tin Lam Alvin came first in the Individual Application category with his study on wheelchair users’ accessibility in Kwun Tong. Miss BAO Wenwei, Miss LI Wenyu, Mr LUO Haowen and Miss ZENG Bincheng Joyce topped the Group Application category with their analysis of brownfield site redevelopment for Hong Kong’s logistic industry. For students’ winning projects, please visit https://web.esrichina.hk/ysa/result_announcement.aspx

Our Department Ranked 17th in the World by QS
[07/07/2022] In the newly released QS World University Rankings By Subject 2022, our Department moves up two places to 17th in the world in the field of Geography, and ranks 4th in Asia. For details, please refer to https://www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/university-subject-rankings/2022/geography.

Professor Mei-Po Kwan named on the Highly Cited Researchers list of 2021
[16/11/2021] Professor Mei-Po Kwan has been named on the “Highly Cited Researchers” list of 2021 by Clarivate Analytics. This honour is given to researchers who have published multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in the Web of Science.

Professor Mee Kam Ng elected Fellow of The Royal Town Planning Institute
[05/11/2021] Professor Mee Kam Ng has been elected to the fellowship of The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) in recognition of her long-standing work in spatial planning. Fellow is the highest professional membership grade offered by the RTPI and is only awarded to its members who have made a major personal contribution to the planning profession for the benefit of the public.

Professor Johnson Chan and Professor Lawal M. Marafa awarded funding under Countryside Conservation Funding Scheme
[5/10/2021] Professor Chan Chung Shing Johnson (as principal investigator) and Professor Lawal Mohammed Marafa (as co-investigator) have been awarded a funding of HK$2,632,500 under the Countryside Conservation Funding Scheme for their project “Community-based Narratives and Public Experiential Engagement for Cultural and Historical Heritage Conservation and Revitalisation of Yim Tin Tsai, Sai Kung” from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2024. The scheme is managed by the Environmental Protection Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government. Their project highlights village and rural environments as changing cultural landscapes which provide tangible heritage and hidden values for conservation and revitalisation. Based on community-based storytelling and narratives approach and public experiential engagement, the project aims to generate valuable records and information about culture and history of Yim Tin Tsai, a small but once prosperous offshore island in Sai Kung, Hong Kong.

Professor Huang Bo awarded MoE Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award
[15/4/2021] Professor Huang Bo has been been awarded the Ministry of Education (MoE) Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award 2020 (Second Class Award in Natural Sciences) for the research titled “Theory and methodology for spatiotemporal multi-scale data fusion”.

Professor Kwan Mei Po awarded 2021 American Association of Geographers (AAG) Wilbanks Prize
Professor Kwan Mei Po has been selected to receive the 2021 American Association of Geographers (AAG) Wilbanks Prize for Transformational Research in Geography. This award recognizes geographers whose research has made transformational contributions to geography, geographic information science or to science and society more broadly.

Professor Gabriel Ngar-Cheung Lau named American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fellow
Professor Gabriel Ngar-Cheung Lau has been honored as one of the 2020 Class of Fellows of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) for his contributions as one of the prestigious global leaders and experts who have propelled the understanding of geosciences. Details: https://www.iees.cuhk.edu.hk/professor-gabriel-ngar-cheung-lau-named-american-geophysical-union-agu-fellow/