The second edition of International Investment Law and Arbitration co-authored by Prof. Chin Leng LIM, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Law, has been published by Cambridge University Press

The second edition of International Investment Law and Arbitration co-authored by Prof. Chin Leng LIM, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Law, has been published by Cambridge University Press. 

The new edition by Prof. Lim and his co-authors adds approximately 60 new awards and decisions and an additional chapter on arbitrators which is indispensable to understanding present calls for the reform of investor-State arbitration. Since publication of the first edition in 2018, Lim, Ho and Paparinskis has been cited by the highest courts in Singapore, Colombia and India.

Reviews and Endorsements

‘This volume deftly introduces scholars and students to a sweeping range of issues…Beautifully written, it covers each issue in meticulous detail, while enhancing understanding and practical lessons through the use of further materials from cases, treaties and literature.’  Tania Voon, University of Melbourne

 ‘This exhaustive and extensive international investment law coursebook is highly accessible and authoritative. The authors have elegantly presented each chapter taking into account the most significant developments and debates in the field.’  James Thuo Gathii, Loyola University, Chicago

‘The book takes a sprawling subject and makes it manageable. I am delighted that the authors wasted no time in producing this welcome second edition.’  George Bermann, Columbia University

The new edition is available through Cambridge University Press, Amazon, and Book Depository.

Posted on 28 April, 2021