CUHK LAW PhD student Ebele Angela ONYEABO interviewed by Harris Bricken Global Law and Business on international oil and gas in Nigeria August 12, 2020
Prof. James Si ZENG publishes article on charter amendment rules in the University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law August 11, 2020
Presentations by CUHK LAW members at the Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2019/20 August 5, 2020
Prof. Ngọc Sơn BÙI’s new book Constitutional Change in the Contemporary Socialist World published by Oxford University Press August 3, 2020
Prof. Gregory GORDON publishes article on international criminal procedure in PKI Global Justice Journal July 31, 2020
Prof. Stuart HARGREAVES quoted in South China Morning Post on Hong Kong’s new privacy commissioner July 27, 2020
Prof. Rehan ABEYRATNE publishes article on socioeconomic rights in India in Minnesota Journal of International Law July 23, 2020