Prof. Normann WITZLEB has published a co-authored book chapter “The Australian COVIDSafe App and Privacy: Lessons for the Future of Privacy Regulation” October 8, 2021
CUHK LAW LLB and PCLL graduate Joshua YEUNG has recently published co-authored articles in the law journals of Oxford University Press October 5, 2021
Prof. Robin Hui HUANG has published a co-authored article “The Fall of Online P2P Lending in China: A Critique of the Central-Local Co-regulatory Regime” October 4, 2021
Prof. Normann WITZLEB has published a co-authored article “Adtech and Children’s Data Rights” in the UNSW Law Journal September 29, 2021
Prof. Benoit MAYER is inviting expressions of interest and contributions to a special issue of Climate Law on “Tort Law and Climate Change Mitigation” September 28, 2021
Prof. Hao ZHANG has published an article on China’s ownership policies in the coal sector in the Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law September 27, 2021
Mr. Arthur LEE and CUHK LAW graduate Joshua YEUNG have published an article on the Law of Unjust Enrichment in The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law (OUP) September 23, 2021
CUHK LAW graduates Moonar TSOI and Beryl WU have been awarded internships with the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) September 17, 2021
Congratulations to Mr. Michael FISHER, Prof. Gregory GORDON and Prof. Robin Hui HUANG on receiving the CUHK LAW Teaching Excellence Awards 2020-21 September 17, 2021
Prof. Steven GALLAGHER has published a new book “Protecting Built Heritage in Hong Kong” (Springer, Singapore, 2021) September 17, 2021