CUHK LAW graduate Siyi LIN has published a new book, The Law of Unjust Enrichment in China: Necessary or Not? (Springer International Publishing, 2022) September 8, 2022
Prof. Anatole BOUTE was interviewed by Al Jazeera and CNA about the Russia-China gas relations in the context of the war in Ukraine September 8, 2022
Prof. Benoît MAYER has published a new book, International Law Obligations on Climate Change Mitigation (Oxford University Press, 2022) September 5, 2022
An article co-authored by Profs. Eliza MIK and Noam NOKED was recently listed by the TaxProf Blog as the #1 paper in the top 5 recent tax paper downloads September 2, 2022
Congratulations to Prof. Benoit MAYER on receiving the inaugural Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W N Cheung Prize for Research Excellence 2021-22 September 1, 2022
Congratulations to Prof. Sandra MARCO COLINO on receiving the CUHK Young Researcher Award 2021 August 29, 2022
Congratulations to CUHK LAW PhD student Can EKEN on receiving the CUHK Postgraduate Research Output Award 2021 August 29, 2022
Mr. Jeffrey HILL was quoted in the Hong Kong Free Press’s article “Victims struggle to seek help even after Hong Kong’s new law against voyeurism” August 22, 2022
CUHK LAW Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Xiaohan GONG was quoted in SCMP’s article “Hong Kong gets its first hydrogen-powered bus but, oops, it can’t hit the road yet” August 18, 2022
Prof. Sandra MARCO COLINO was interviewed by The Wall Street Journal in the article “Hong Kong’s crackdown on dissent hits Facebook pages” August 18, 2022