Congratulations to CUHK LAW PCLL students Kerry POON and Thomas WONG on being the overall winners of the 10th Hong Kong Human Rights Moot!
The 10th Hong Kong Human Rights Moot organized by Vidler & Co. Solicitors was held on 26 March 2021 at City University of Hong Kong. The CUHK LAW team of Kerry Poon and Thomas Wong prevailed over 89 teams involving 178 law students to reach this year’s finals together with teams from CityU and HKU. The three teams appeared before a distinguished judging panel comprised of the Honourable Mr. Justice Kevin Zervos JA, Mr. Abraham Chan SC of Temple Chambers and Mr. Timothy Parker of Denis Chang’s Chambers and Blackstone Chambers. They argued three fictional appeals involving topical human rights issues relevant to Hong Kong.
For details, please click here.