- Robin Huang and Nicholas Calcina Howson (eds), Enforcement of Corporate and Securities Law: China and the World (Cambridge University Press, 2017) 500 pgs.
- Robin Huang, ‘Private Enforcement of Securities Law in China: Past, Present and Future’ in Robin Hui Huang and Nicholas Calcina Howson (eds), Enforcement of Corporate and Securities Law (Cambridge University Press, 2017) 138-161.
- Robin Huang and Juan Chen, ‘Takeover Regulation in China: Striking a Balance between Takeover Contestability and Shareholder Protection’ in Umakanth Varottil and Wai Yee Wan, Comparative Takeover Regulation: Global and Asian Perspectives (Cambridge University Press, 2017) 211-240.
- Robin Huang, 《‘一国两制’背景下的香港与内地证券监管合作体制: 历史演变与前景展望 The Prospect and Evolution of the Securities Regulatory Cooperative Regime between Hong Kong and Mainland China under the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ Arrangement》(2017) (5) 《比较法研究 Journal of Comparative Law》 12-25.
- Robin Huang, 《国企改革背景下母子公司债务责任问题的规制逻辑和进路 Regulatory Logic and Approach to the Liability of Parent Company for the Debt of Subsidiary Company Against the Background of China’s Reform of State-Owned Enterprises》 (2017) 29(6) 《中外法学 Peking University Law Journal》 1526-1545.
- Robin Huang, 《论基本法对于香港金融市场繁荣稳定的重要意义 The Significance of the Hong Kong Basic Law to the Prosperity and Stability of the Financial Markets in Hong Kong》 (2017) (13) 《中国人大 The People’s Congress of China》 26-28.
- Robin Huang, ‘Online P2P Lending and Regulatory Responses in China: Opportunities and Challenges’ (2018) 19(1) European Business Organization Law Review 63-92.
- Jyh-An Lee and Robin Huang, ‘Post-application Evidence of Bad Faith in China’s Trade Mark Law’ (2018) 13(5) Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 400-407.
- Robin Huang, ‘Rethinking the Relationship between Public Regulation and Private Litigation: Evidence from Securities Class Action in China’ (2018) 19(1) Theoretical Inquiries in Law 333-361.
- Robin Huang and Li Hailong, 《强化监管背景下的中国证券市场禁入制度研究:基于实证与比较的视角 Debarring Orders in the Chinese Securities Market against the Background of Tightened Regulation: From an Empirical and Comparative Perspective》 (2018) 《比较法研究 Journal of Comparative Law 》 76-106.
- Robin Huang, 《香港证券市场失当行为审裁处制度及其启示 The Institution of the Market Misconduct Tribunal in Hong Kong and its Implications for Mainland China》 (2018) 1(1) 《投资者 Investor》 184-202.
- Zhenghui Li, Hui Huang and Yu Chen, 《证券市场操纵行为监管 : 立法问题及建议 Regulation of Securities Market Manipulation: Legislative Problems and Suggestions》 (2018) Internal Report to China Securities Regulatory Commission.
- Robin Huang and Anan Li, ‘Legal Analysis of Local Government Debts Securitization: Causes, Nature and Risk Regulation’ (Paper presented at Financial Risk and Local Government Debts, Xi An, China, 30 November–3 December 2017).
- Robin Huang and Yao Lin, 《P2P网贷的风险保障金机制:困境与出路》 (Paper presented at Shanghai Stock Exchange Conference on Securities Regulation, Shanghai, China, 15-17 December 2017).
- Robin Huang, ‘The Nature of Corporate Law in China: Mandatory or Voluntary?’ (Paper presented at The Future of Corporate Law Reform in China, China Social Science Academy, Beijing, China, 27-29 April 2018).
- ‘Rethinking the Relationship between Public Regulation and Private Litigation: Evidence from Securities Class Action in China’ in Li Ka Shing Visiting Professor Public Lecture Series organized by McGill Law School, Canada (2018-04).
- ‘The Regulation of Equity Crowdfunding in China’ in International Commercial Law Forum organized by Tsinghua Law School, China (2017-10).
- ‘Local Debts in China’ in Local Debts and Financial Risks Regulation organized by Northwestern China University of Political Science and Law , China (2017-11 to 2017-12).
- ‘Regulation of Anti-takeover Measures in China’ in Shanghai Stock Exchange Legal Forum organized by Shanghai Stock Exchange, China (2017-12).
- ‘The Regulation of Insider Trading in Hong Kong’ in Distinguished Legal Scholar Public Lecture Series organized by East China University of Political Science and Law, China (2017-12).
- ‘The Mandatory or Voluntary Nature of Corporate Law’ in The Future Development of Corporate Law in China organized by China Academy of Social Science , China (2018-04).
- ‘Recent Developments and Trends of Securities Law Enforcement in Hong Kong’ in Workshop on Securities Regulation organized by China Securities Regulatory Commission , China (2018-06).
- ‘The Regulation of Securities Investment Funds’ in 2018 Annual Conference of China Securities Law Association organized by China Securities Law Association , China (2018-06).