Unsettling High-density Development in Hong Kong: Production of Space, Spatial (In)justice and Everyday Lifel
Dr. LEE Wai Ying, Joanna
Redevelopment of ‘Government/Institution or Community’ (G/IC) land in Hong Kong
Dr. LEE Wai Ying, Joanna
Climate and plague in pre-industrial Europe
Prof. LEE Fung, Harry
Heat waves in southern China
Prof. LAU Ngar-Cheung, Gabriel
Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange of Greenhouse Gases in a Subtropical Mangrove Wetland in Hong Kong
Prof. LAI Yuk Fo, Derrick
Deploying Geospatial Big Data and Real-time Mobile Sensing to Assess the Health Impacts of Individual Exposure to Green/blue Spaces, Light at Night, Air Pollution, and Noise (GLAN) (PI: Mei-Po Kwan; supported by a Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) Collaborative Research Fund).
Prof. KWAN Mei-Po
Evaluating Individual Exposure to Noise and Air Pollution Using GPS and Mobile Sensors (PI: Mei-Po Kwan; supported by a Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund).
Prof. KWAN Mei-Po
Out-of-Home Activities and Social Exclusion among Hong Kong’s Aging Population: A Study of the Elderly’s Activity-Travel Patterns and Its Implication on Well-being
Prof. HE Ying, Sylvia
An assessment of Hong Kong’s spatial planning in new towns from the perspectives of job accessibility, transport mobility patterns, and work-life balance
Prof. HE Ying, Sylvia
Tree height mapping and crown delineation using LiDAR, large format aerial photographs, and unmanned aerial vehicle photogrammetry in subtropical urban forest
Prof. FUNG Tung
Mapping multi-layered mangrove forest from multispectral, hyperspectral and LiDAR data
Prof. FUNG Tung
Conviviality in World Cities: Religion, Masculinity, and Belonging among Young South Asian Muslim Men in Hong Kong