Teaching Excellence

CUHK LAW takes pride in its uncompromising commitment to teaching excellence. Its efforts and achievements in teaching are recognized locally, regionally and globally. 


CUHK LAW offers a diverse range of taught programmes designed for critical and creative thinkers who are ready to become leaders in law and related fields.


At Faculty and University levels CUHK LAW has agreements with institutions from all over the world, including relationships with key institutions in Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, South America, South Africa, and the USA. In some instances study completed on an exchange programme may be counted towards the completion of a student’s degree. Click here for more details.

Through a Summer Study Abroad Programme (SSAP), CUHK LAW provides support to LLB students to cover part of the cost for participating in exchange programmes. The SSAP is intended to encourage students to experience a broad and diverse legal education and gain exposure to different cultures and legal systems. Details are available here.


CUHK LAW is proud of its mooting teams’ success in recent local, regional and international mooting competitions:

    • Best Memorial Team Overall
    • Best Regional Memorial for Asia
    • Best Defense Counsel Memorial
    • Second Runner-up Best Memorial
    • Second Runner-up Best Prosecution Memorial


CUHK LAW offers the following new courses in the academic year 2022-23:

This course deals with the legal and regulatory aspects of clean technologies, with a focus on the clean energy transition and innovation in the energy sector. It aims to introduce the main regulatory principles that apply to the reorganization of energy systems towards sustainability and decarbonization.

This course surveys copyright issues pertaining to digital subject matter, including digital works and computer software from a global comparative perspective. Whether there is copyright subsistence and in what, whether infringement occurs and where, by whom, and the scope of implied licences and limitations or exceptions are all considered.

This course examines the principles underlying Chinese law with respect to copyright, patents, trade secrets, and trademarks. These include those concerning computers, the Internet, biotechnology, plant varieties, and e-commerce. Competition law, technology transfer law, and the international intellectual property system are also considered.

This course aims to provide students with a solid theoretical and practical understanding of the principal merger control regimes that affect companies in Hong Kong. It also analyzes local merger control rules as well as the rules of those regimes which most frequently apply to merger transactions involving local firms.

This course examines the legal and regulatory aspects of the new digital economy. It presents the technologies enabling new forms of economic activity and enables students to comprehend their implications and limitations. The legal aspects of digitization are discussed, with special emphasis on dematerialization, automation, and virtualization.

The following courses were introduced in the academic year 2021-22:

The course explains how technology supports legal practice. It creates students’ awareness of the need to design technology solutions to increase the efficiency of legal work. It also enables students to appreciate the legal implications of common digital technology they face when they enter the legal profession as a trainee solicitor or pupil barrister.

The course focuses on the relationship between technology and Chinese law. Designed as an interdisciplinary course covering technology, sociology, law and ethics, the course discusses jurisdiction specific aspects arising in  China.

The course teaches the conflict of laws (private international law) issues faced by lawyers in advising on international commercial court cases. With Hong Kong being one of the top international dispute resolution centers in the world, knowledge of this aspect of conflict of laws is essential for any future lawyer aspiring to practise in commercial litigation. 

The course provides an overview of the different areas of corporate and personal insolvency work with an emphasis on the practical challenges encountered by insolvency professionals, including cross-border recognition and recovery issues. It prepares students who may be interested in obtaining the specialist qualification in insolvency, a professional qualification that is well-recognized by insolvency practitioners in Hong Kong.

The course provides students with a greater understanding of the connections between law, empire, European colonization and the formation of contemporary states. It adopts a broad historical approach to these subjects, beginning with some theoretical investigations before turning to consider how law and the state have evolved in several different key contexts. In addition to its substantive content, the course aims to introduce students to the study of legal history and law and society broadly, opening up the range of perspectives from which students may consider legal issues and the place and role of law in the contemporary world.

The course aims to increase students’ knowledge about the international legal profession, focusing in particular on the law and practice of adjudicatory bodies operating in the field of International Economic Law. It seeks to develop the analytical and critical skills of students by detailed examination of the relevant conventions, statutes, rules of conduct and cases. In addition, the course discusses key questions of professional ethical conduct and investigates developing trends in the international legal market. Beyond that, the course aims to encourage students to consider the role of different legal professionals in the settlement of international disputes and expand their knowledge about how the international legal market operates in real life.

The following courses were introduced in the academic year 2020-21:

The course explores the manner in which the history of empire has shaped both national and international legal orders. It aims to explore the tensions inherent in the concept by examining the history and evolution of public order governance in the British Empire. The course will examine the ideologies that underpinned approaches to public order governance, considering (elite) attitudes towards the masses of the people and the challenges of governance both at home and in the colonies. The next portion of the class explores ‘everyday’ forms of public order governance, including informal and state violence, the evolution of the police, and the ways in which law evolved in order to ensure wealth generation. Following these examinations, the course turns to consider more exceptional modes of public order governance, including the policing of protests, the imposition of emergency and martial law, the development of intelligence services and counterinsurgency policy. The course concludes with some reflections on the rule of law in the colonial context more broadly, as well as with an examination of some of the ongoing resonances of colonial legality in the contemporary period.

The course examines the ways in which law and the legal system are represented in a variety of films. It also considers the ways in which films engage with legal debates and controversies. It aims to encourage reflection on the cultural lives of the law and also on a central theme in film studies. The course is organised thematically and analyses film and legal process from a variety of jurisdictions across the globe. It explores how key legal issues, procedures, and actors are represented on film and how these representations in popular culture in turn influence understandings of the law, and in certain circumstances even its development. In particular, the module will focus on the genre of documentary film because of its commitment to authenticity and investigation of reality, while giving the students the freedom to explore feature films, TV series, and podcasts.

The course equips research postgraduate (RPg) students with the skills and the necessary confidence to engage in law school classroom teaching as well as to reflect critically and constructively upon that teaching.

The course provides a broad introduction to the future of the legal profession in times when legal technologies are rapidly gaining importance. It discusses the different forms of legal technologies, explores the actual and potential impact of legal technologies on legal systems, concepts and rules, considers the application of legal technologies in particular areas of law, analyses and critiques the impact of legal technologies, including advantages and risks, on legal systems and the society as a whole.

The course discusses the development of the common law during times of decolonization. Students will establish an understanding of the basic concepts involved in the relationship between law and colonial systems and the historical background of colonial legal systems and their current and former international legal status. The course will examine the specific legal standards that developed under the conditions of colonialism, e.g. those related to slavery, restricted definitions of citizenship, capacity for territorial acquisition and native title, and others. Related academic theories and detailed historical studies will also be introduced. The course will also address the various forms that “decolonisation” has taken at the domestic and international levels, and help students to develop their own arguments regarding the best approach for legal systems transitioning towards self-determination.

Browse the course catalog for further details.



CUHK LAW was ranked the most international law school worldwide in 2018 Times Higher Education World University Rankings: Law. In fact, CUHK LAW’s taught programmes comprise highly international features in terms of content and delivery. They are consistently ranked top in international rankings.

CUHK LAW’s LLM in Chinese Business Law (CBL) Programme remains 1st and LLM in Energy and Environmental Law (LEL) Programme soars to 4th in the Eduniversal Best Masters and MBAs Ranking 2021. According to the Eduniversal Masters Ranking of the Best Masters and MBAs in the world, the CBL Programme has been ranked No. 1 in “International Business Law in Far East Asia” since 2017. It has been consistently ranked as a Top 200 master programme worldwide since 2013. The LEL Programme has also been ranked in the Top 200 best master programmes worldwide and Top 5 in “Energy and Natural Resources in Far East Asia” since 2019, the achievement of which came only one year after the LEL Programme was launched in 2018-19 as the first programme specifically dedicated to the legal aspects of energy security and sustainability in Hong Kong. 

CUHK LAW’s LLM in International Economic Law (IEL) Programme has been awarded Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowships by Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee (UGC) from 2021-22 to 2024-25 in recognition of the programme’s contribution to the training of legal talent to support Hong Kong’s strategic position as a regional and international business centre.


The following CUHK LAW professors received awards in recognition of their teaching excellence recently:


The following CUHK LAW members were awarded the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) for 2016-2019 Triennium from the University Grants Committee (UGC) of Hong Kong which supports projects to promote innovative and improved methods of teaching at both the University-wide and faculty/department levels. Results of the TDLEG for 2019-22 will be available here.

Project TitleAwardeeDurationAwarded Amount (HK$)
Using Superhero Films to Construct Transitional Courses to Assist Students in Developing their Learning Skills for University Studies
(Funded by the Special Funding Scheme to Enhance Student Engagement and Address Student Learning Needs supported by the TDLEG for 2019-22)
Prof. Steven GALLAGHER9 months200,000
Standardized Clients in Professional Legal Education: Training Law Students to be Effective Corporate Legal Practitioners Prof. Queenie LAI2 years and 7 months459,250
Learn with a Purpose: Forging a Community of Inquiry in Undergraduate Courses Prof. Michael LOWER1 year and 8 months66,300
Online and Blended Problem Based Learning (PBL) Pilot Project Prof. Steven GALLAGHER1 year and 5 months599,100
Prof. Michael LOWER
Mr. Mitchell STOCKS
Prof. Paul MAHARG

In addition, the below CUHK LAW members’ projects were also awarded the Courseware Development Grant Scheme (CDGS) for 2018-19 and 2019-22 (Round 1) from the University. The CDGS for 2019-2022 (Round 2) will be available here.

Project TitleAwardeeAwarded Amount (HK$)
Using Superhero Films to Construct Transitional Courses to Assist Students in Developing their Learning Skills for University Studies Prof. Steven GALLAGHER190,328
Micromodules for Conflict of Laws, Contract Law and Commercial law Prof. Alan GIBB40,000
‘Humanizing’ LGBT Rights Cases in Hong Kong Prof. Stuart HARGREAVES64,430
Collaborative learning: co-creating innovative materials for an innovative Law courseProf. Angela DALY90,000
Micromodules for Conflict of Laws; Contract Law and Commercial Law (Final Report – PDF)Prof. Alan GIBB30,000


CUHK LAW runs a ‘Learning Matters’ blog which serves as a platform for the exchange of ideas on how to improve teaching and learning. The blog features interviews with teachers about their teaching practice and draws attention to articles and policy documents about legal education. It has a special focus on innovations that promote collaborative approaches to learning, promote active students engagement and develop students creative, critical and caring thinking skills.

Prof. Lutz-Christian WOLFF, CUHK LAW Dean & Wei Lun Professor of Law, published “The Art of Law Teaching” (Springer, 2021). In this book Prof. Wolff discusses different aspects of law teaching based on his award winning more than 25 years of teaching experience.


The fourth ‘Directions in Legal Education 2022’ conference was held on 10 & 11 June 2022 with more than 350 local and overseas individuals signed up to attend the online conference. Visit the conference website for details.

CUHK LAW also recently organised the following seminars and career activities:

Career Seminars
9 September 2019Introductory and Career Planning (GLC)
19 September 2019Career Planning (LSK)
23 September 2019Introduction to Career Planning and Professionalism (LSK)
26 September 2019Finding and Applying for Internships and Mini Pupillages (LSK)
27 September 2019Finding and Applying for Internships and Mini Pupillages (GLC)
10 October 2019Job Interviews and Follow-up (LSK)
10 October 2019Job Interviews and Follow-up (GLC)
14 October 2019Career Seminar for LLM Students
13 February 2020“The Hong Kong Bar and Applying for Pupillage/Mini Pupillage” (online)
28 February – 31 August 2020“Personal and Professional Skills” (video recording)
28 February – 31 August 2020“What to Expect from a Law Firm” (video recording)
17 March 2020Online Career Seminar for LLM Applicants – “My Life as a Lawyer”
24 March 2020Online Career Seminar for JD Applicants – “Careers of Solicitor vs Barrister”
25 March 2020Online Career Seminar for LLB Applicants – “Legal Careers Sharing by CUHK LAW Alumni”
26 March 2020Online Career Seminar for LLM Students
3 April 2020Online Seminar for PCLL Applicants – “Legal Careers Sharing by CUHK LAW Alumni”
17 April 2020Online Career Seminar for PCLL Applicants – “My Life as a Lawyer”
21 September 2020“Career Planning” (online)
22 September 2020“Introductory and Career Planning” (online)
28 September 2020“Finding and Applying for Internships and Mini Pupillages (UG)” (online)
29 September 2020“Finding and Applying for Internships and Mini Pupillages (PG)” (online)
29 September 2020“Introduction to Career Planning and Professionalism” (online)
12 October 2020“Job Interviews and Follow-up (UG) ” (online)
12 October 2020“Career Seminar for LLM Students” (online)
13 October 2020“Job Interviews and Follow-up (PG)” (online)
28 January 2021 Online Career Seminar for JD Applicants – “Making the Most of Employment Opportunities for those choosing Law as s Second Career”
1 February 2021 “Personal and Professional Skills (PG)” (online)
2 February 2021 “Personal and Professional Skills (UG)” (online)
8 February 2021 “What to Expect from a Law Firm (PG)” (online)
9 February 2021 “What to Expect from a Law Firm (UG)” (online)
17 February 2021Career Seminar on New York Bar (online)
19 February 2021“Deciding between a Career as a Barrister or Solicitor” (online)
12 March 2021“Careers in Financial Services and Compliance” (online)
25 March 2021Online Career Seminar for LLB Applicants – Legal Careers Sharing by CUHK LAW Alumni
20 September 2021Introductory and Career Planning
21 September 2021Career Planning (online)
27 September 2021Finding and Applying for Internships and Mini Pupillages (PG)
28 September 2021Introduction to Career Planning and Professionalism (online)
29 September 2021Finding and Applying for Internships and Mini Pupillages (UG) (online)
11 October 2021Job Interviews and Follow-up (PG)
13 October 2021Job Interviews and Follow-up (UG) (online)
20 October 2021Career Seminar for LLM Students
8 February 2022‘Deciding between a Career as a Barrister or Solicitor’ (online)
12 February 2022‘Making the Most of Employment Opportunities for those choosing Law as a Second Career’ for JD Applicants (online)
21 February 2022Career Seminar on The New York Bar (online)
21 March 2022‘Careers in Financial Services and Compliance’ (online)
24 March 2022Online Seminar for LLB Applicants – Legal Careers Sharing by CUHK LAW Alumni
24 May 2022 What to Expect from a Law Firm

Career Talks / Conferences
20 September 2019Career Talk by Herbert Smith Freehills
9 October 2019Career Talk by Eversheds Sutherland
11 October 2019Career Talk by Luk & Partners
16 October 2019Career Talk by Deacons
23 October 2019Career Talk by King & Wood Mallesons
23 October 2019Career Talk: The Best of Times – The Worst of Times
30 October 2019Career Talk by Securities and Futures Commission
30 October 2019Career Talk by Clifford Chance
6 November 2019Career Talk by Morrison Foerster – “Acing the Law Firm Recruitment Process” Workshop
8 November 2019Career Talk by Lipman Karas
21 May 2020Asia Bar Review “Online Legal Career Seminar 2020”
21 September 2020MinterEllison Online Career Talk – “Law firms in Hong Kong and how to go about choosing a firm”
24 September 2020Asia Bar Review “Legal Career Success Series: Life as an International Lawyer in New York, London, Singapore and Hong Kong” (online)
25 September 2020Holman Fenwick Willan Graduate Recruitment Talk (online)
6 October 2020Herbert Smith Freehills Career Talk 2020 (online)
20 October 2020Jones Day Online Career Talk: Life of a Capital Markets Lawyer in an International Firm
21 October 2020Eversheds Sutherland Online Career Talk 2020: Life Beyond Law School – Some Practical Tips
28 October 2020Tiang & Partners CUHK Virtual Recruitment Talk
30 October 2020Deacons Virtual Recruitment Talk 2020
4 November 2020Baker & McKenzie Career Talk for CUHK (online)
17 November 2020Ashurst CUHK Virtual Campus Talk “How does your first firm impact your success?”
18 November 2020King & Wood Mallesons CUHK Online Information Session
24 November 2020Lipman Karas Virtual Graduate Recruitment Talk
24 November 2020Mayer Brown Virtual Career Talk
25 November 2020Morgan, Lewis & Bockius Online Career Talk: “Connect with Morgan Lewis and the team”
28 November 2020“How to find and develop your career in law: advice from recent CUHK alumni” (online)
2 December 2020Mayer Brown Virtual Career Talk
19 January 2021Sidley Austin Online Career Talk
20 January 2021Hogan Lovells (virtually) on Campus
3 March 2021Department of Justice Career Talk on Legal Trainee Scheme (online)
14 September 2021MinterEllison Online Career Talk – “Law Firms in Hong Kong and How to Go About Choosing a Firm”
5 October 2021Herbert Smith Freehills Online Career Talk 2021
18 October 2021Hogan Lovells (virtually) on Campus
19 October 2021Deacons CUHK Virtual Recruitment Talk
20 October 2021Eversheds Sutherland Career Webinar 2021
25 October 2021Jones Day’s Career Talk for CUHK Students (online)
26 October 2021White & Case Debt Finance Panel and Career Talk (online)
2 November 2021Morrison & Foerster Career Talk: Acing the Law Firm Recruitment Process (online)
8 November 2021Tiang & Partners CUHK Virtual Recruitment Talk
10 November 2021Baker & McKenzie Career talk for CUHK Law Students (online)
15 November 2021Karas LLP Graduate Recruitment Talk (online)
16 November 2021Morgan, Lewis & Bockius Career Talk: Connect with Morgan Lewis and the Team (online)
23 November 2021Ashurst Career Talk: Demystifying Internship (online)
11, 12, 18 & 19 January 2022Mayer Brown Career Talks (in-person / online)
17 January 2022Sidley Austin Hong Kong Law Career Talk
7 February 2022Recruitment Talk by Han Kun Law Offices (online)
10 March 2022Legal Trainee Career Talk by Department of Justice (online)
17 March 2022Career at the Hong Kong Bar – Standing Committee of Young Barristers of the Hong Kong Bar Association (online)

5 & 12 March 2022Workshop on Legal Ethics and Professionalism (online)

Firm Visits
10 July 2019Skadden Outreach, Action & Respect (SOAR) Reception
28 August 2019J.P. Morgan – Winning Women in Markets
6 September 2019Kao, Lee & Yip Solicitors & Notaries Information Session
11 September 2019Clifford Chance Hong Kong Open Evening
12 September 2019Kao, Lee & Yip Solicitors & Notaries Information Session
18 September 2019Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Hong Kong Office Open House Event
4 October 2019Ribeiro Hui Sharing Session
10 October 2019Allen & Overy Open Evening
7 November 2019Eversheds Sutherland Open House 2019
27 November 2019Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Hong Kong Office Open House Event
12 & 13 December 2019Herbert Smith Freehills First Year Workshop 2019
9 January 2020Stephenson Harwood Hong Kong Open Evening

Careers Fairs / Information Sessions / Open Days / Open Houses / Panels / Webinars
6 March 2020Hong Kong Monetary Authority Information Day of Fintech Career Accelerator Scheme (FCAS)
3 April 2020Clifford Chance GLOW 2020
6 July 2020Slaughter and May Open Evening
16 September 2020The Legal Cheek Hong Kong Virtual Career Law Fair 2020
30 September 2020Getting to Know Davis Polk Session (online)
5 October 2020Allen & Overy Virtual Information Session and Panel
14 October 2020Clifford Chance Information Session at CUHK (online)
16 October 2020Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Virtual Presentation “Privatization of Li & Fung”
19 October 2020Allen & Overy Applications and Interview Skills Workshop (online)
21 October 2020Allen & Overy Virtual Information Session and Panel
30 October 2020Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Virtual Presentation “The M&A landscape post COVID-19”
3 November 2020Morrison & Foerster: “Acing the Law Firm Recruitment Process” Workshop (online)
5 November 2020Clifford Chance Application Workshop & Ask the Recruiter (online)
9 November 2020Allen & Overy Applications and Interview Skills Workshop (online)
17 November 2020Clifford Chance Trainee Panel Event (online)
17 November 2020L & Y Law Office Online Career Webinar “Rebooting and Innovating: How to pivot your legal career”
2 December 2020Allen & Overy Applications and Interview Skills Workshop (online)
2 December 2020Clifford Chance Partner & Associate Panel Event (online)
8 December 2020Clifford Chance Application Workshop & Ask the Recruiter (online)
14 – 15 December 2020Herbert Smith Freehills First Year Workshop 2020
16 December 2020Clifford Chance Future Trainee Panel Event (online)
7 January 2021Stephenson Harwood Hong Kong Information Session (online)
14 January 2021Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher Virtual Open Day
15 January 2021Deacons Virtual Open Day
21 January 2021King & Wood Mallesons Propel Information Sharing Session
21 January 2021Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom Virtual Event
24 February 2021RPC Virtual Open Day
5 March 2021Allen & Overy Virtual Information Session
31 March 2021Daily Life of a Lawyer – Luncheon with Dechert Lawyers (online)
8-9 June 2021DLA Piper 2021 Hong Kong Virtual Insight Programme
18 June 2021HKLPAA Project LINK-career Seminar
16 September 2021Legal Cheek Hong Kong Virtual Law Fair
28 September 2021Meet the Magic Circle in Hong Kong – with Allen & Overy, Clifford Chance, Freshfields and Linklaters (online)
6 October 2021Clifford Chance Information Session (online)
12 October 2021Clifford Chance Virtual Presentation Series: Trainee Panel Discussion
12 October 2021Baker & McKenzie 2021 Open House for 1st Year Law Students
13 October 2021Allen & Overy Virtual Information Session and Panel – HK Universities
27 October 2021Clifford Chance Virtual Presentation Series: Application Workshop & Ask the Recruiter
3 November 2021Clifford Chance Virtual Presentation Series: Partner Panel Discussion
3 November 2021RPC Open House
9 November 2021Clifford Chance Virtual Presentation Series: Application Workshop & Ask the Recruiter
11 November 2021Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner Open House Event Hong Kong
22 November 2021Clifford Chance Virtual Presentation Series: Future Trainee Panel Discussion
24 November 2021Clifford Chance ACCEPT – a virtual event for LGBTQ+ students and allies pursuing a career in law
7 December 2021Teach For Hong Kong Fellowship Program 2022-23 Recruitment Talk
13-14 December 2021Herbert Smith Freehills First Year Workshop
22 December 2021Zhong Lun Overseas Virtual Recruitment Event
28 January 2022Deacons Virtual Open Day
16 February 2022Hong Kong Federation of Women Lawyers Webinar Event: Legal Career Opportunities in Greater Bay Area
24 February 2022Clifford Chance Virtual Presentation – Overview of GLOW
1-10 March 2022JP Morgan 2022 Finance for Non-Finance Program (online)
26 March 2022The Career Paths of a Governance Professional 2022 (online)
29-31 March 20222022 CUHK Virtual Careers Fair
31 March 2022King & Wood Mallesons Hong Kong Virtual Open Day
31 March 2022KPMG GBA Virtual Talk
5, 11, 17 May 2022 GIP Webinar Series – Make an Impact through a Career in IOs and INGOs
1 June 2022 GradConnection Top100 Hong Kong Webinar / Allen & Overy Top100 Future Leader Award
9 June 2022 DLA Piper Virtual Insight Day
10 June 2022 Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom – Skadden Outreach, Action & Respect (SOAR) – Virtual Information Session
5 July 2022 Slaughter and May Open Evening

CV Workshops
26 – 30 September 2019Personal CV Workshops at LSK and GLC
2 – 24 October 2019Personal CV Workshops at LSK and GLC
5 – 29 October 2020Personal CV Workshops (Online)
4 October – 8 November 2021Personal CV Workshops (in-person / online)

Personal Meetings for Career Advice
OngoingPersonal Meetings for Career Advice at LSK and GLC
OngoingPersonal Meetings for Career Advice (online)

The following CUHK LAW members presented papers at the CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo in 2020 and in 2021: 

In addition, the following CUHK LAW members were recently invited to speak and be interviewed:


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