Wei Lun Professor of Geography and Resource Management
BSc (Wuhan)
(852) 3943-6536
bohuang@cuhk.edu.hk 下載履歴 >RESEARCH PROJECTS
RGC Collaborative Research Fund, “Assessment and Implementation of Non-pharmaceutical Interventions to Avoid COVID-19 Resurgences: Accounting for Human Mobility, Contacts and Behavioral Change Using Both Big and Small Data”, Principal Coordinator (HK$ 3,512,631), 2021-2022.
RGC Area of Excellence (AoE) Scheme, “Center for Slope Safety”, Co-Principal Investigator (HK$ 6,653,000), 2019-2027.
RGC General Research Fund, “Tidal variability and nuisance flooding probabilities in the South China Sea related to sea level change,” Principal Investigator ($456,452), 2018-2021.
RGC General Research Fund, “Using big spatial data to support urban air pollution monitoring in real time”, Principal Investigator ($838,500), 2016-2019.
RGC Earmarked Research Grant, “Using deep learning to support urban land use classification with optical imagery and LiDAR data”, Principal Investigator ($585,000), 2015-2018.
Nansha District Government, “Urban resilience planning for Nansha new district, Guangzhou city”, Principal Investigator (RMB5.6 million), 2013-2015.
RGC General Research Fund, “Spatio-temporal image fusion for monitoring fast-changing land cover dynamics”, Principal Investigator ($588,379), 2012-2015.
Social Science Collaborative Fund, “Unified Fusion of Remote Sensing Imagery for Sustainable High-Density Urban Environment”, Principal Investigator ($400,000), 2012-2014.
863-Hightech Program (strategic fund) of China, “Global land cover change detection, analysis and map update”, Co-PI (RMB¥3,000,000), 2009-2012.
RGC General Research Fund, “Land use allocation in high-growth cities using adaptive multiobjective optimization”, Principal Investigator ($701,600), 2009-2011.
RGC Earmarked Research Grant, “Using Support Vector Machines to Support Land Use Change Modeling”, Principal Investigator ($770,200), 2007-2009.
RGC Earmarked Research Grant, “The role of forest products in the productivity of shifting cultivation systems”, Co-investigator (HK$655,910), 2008-2011.
RGC Earmarked Research Grant, “Water quality monitoring from multi-satellite observations in the coastal region of Hong Kong and the Pearl River estuary”, Co-investigator (HK$660,330), 2008-2011.
“Economic reforms and land use/land cover change in Yunnan: between centralised policy planning and local implementation” funded by South China Program, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Co-investigator (HK$150,000), 2009-2011.
“Intelligent spatio-temporal data analysis and prototype system development” funded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, PRC, Principal Investigator (HK$800,000), 2009-2012.
“Virtual laboratory for urban land use policy simulation” funded by the Ministry of Land and Resources, PRC, Co-Principal Investigator (HK$960, 000), 2009-2010.
CUHK Direct Grant, “Generating Pareto-optimal land use plans for rapidly developing cities”, Principal Investigator (HK$72,000), 2007-2008.
CUHK Direct Grant, “Incremental routing approaches for dynamic transportation networks”, Principal Investigator, HK$78,000, 2007-2008.
National Natural Science Foundation (NNSF) of China, “Spatial intelligence: theories and applications”, Principal Investigator, RMB250,000, 2007-2009.
“Broad land use update of Hong Kong” funded by the Planning Department, Hong Kong Government, Co-Investigator, HK$450,000, 2007 (PI: Fung T).
Canada National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), “Efficient mobile GIS for location based service”, Principal Investigator (2005-2010, CAD110,000).
University of Calgary, “Multi-dimensional GIS”, Principal Investigator (2004-2006, CAD10,000).
University of Calgary, “Intelligent algorithms for transportation and logistics” funded by University of Calgary, Principal Investigator (2004-2006, CAD21,000).
Science and Research Engineering Council of Singapore (A*Star), “SANDY: A Spatio-temporal AutoNomic Database System for Location-based Services”, Co-PI (with Profs. Beng Chin Ooi and Zhiyong Huang, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, 01/2004-12/2005, S$600,000).
National University of Singapore, “GIS and heuristic algorithms for location optimization of emergency response facilities”, Principal Investigator (10/2003-10/2005, S$83,000).
National University of Singapore, “Temporal GIS for road and traffic information management”, Principal Investigator (01/2002-01/2004, S$50,000).
See relatively complete list at:
Huang, B., Wang, J.H., Cai, J.X., Yao, S.Q., Chan, P., Tam, T., Hong, Y.Y., Ruktanonchai, C.W., Carioli, A., Floyd, J.R., Ruktanonchai, N.W., Yang, W.Z., Li, Z.J., Tatem, A.J., and Lai, S.J., 2021. Integrated vaccination and physical distancing interventions to prevent future COVID-19 waves in Chinese cities. Nature Human Behavior, 5: 695–705. DOI: 10.1038/s41562-021-01063-2.
Liu, H.M, Huang, B., Zhan, Q.M., Gao, S.H., Li, R.R., and Fan, Z.Y., 2021. The influence of urban form on surface urban heat island and its planning implications: Evidence from 1288 urban clusters in China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 71(822): 102987. DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2021.102987.
Wu, S.S., Huang, B., Wang, J.H., He, L.J., Wang, Z.Y., Yan, R., Lao, X.Q., Zhang, F., Liu, R.Y., and Du, Z.H., 2021. Spatiotemporal mapping and assessment of daily ground NO2 concentrations in China using high-resolution TROPOMI retrievals. Environmental Pollution, 273(5): 116456. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116456.
Tan, X.Y., Huang, B., Batty, M., and Li, J., 2021. Urban spatial organization, multifractals, and evolutionary patterns in large cities. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 111(5): 1539-1558. DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2020.1823203.
Cai, J.J. and Huang, B., 2020. Super-resolution-guided progressive pansharpening based on a deep convolutional neural network. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 59(6): 5206 – 5220. DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3015878.
Huang, B., Zhou, Y., Li, Z., Song, Y., Cai, J., and Tu, W., 2020. Evaluating and characterizing urban vibrancy using spatial big data: Shanghai as a case study. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 47(9): 1543-1559. DOI: 10.1177/2399808319828730.
Song, Y., Huang, B., He, Q., Chen, B., Wei, J., and Mahmood, R., 2019. Dynamic assessment of PM2.5 exposure and health risk using remote sensing and geo-spatial big data. Environmental Pollution, 253, 288-296. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.06.057.
Zhou, Y.L., Huang, B., Wang, J.H., Chen, B., Kong, H., and Norford, L., 2019. Climate-conscious urban growth mitigates urban warming: Evidence from Shenzhen, China. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(20): 11960-11968. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b01645.
Wang, J. and Huang, B., 2018. A spatiotemporal satellite image fusion model with autoregressive error correction (AREC), International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39(20): 6731-6756. DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2018.1466073.
Huang, B., Zhao, B., and Song, Y.M., 2018. Urban land-use mapping using a deep convolutional neural network with high spatial resolution multispectral remote sensing imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 214: 73-86. DOI: 10.1016/ j.rse.2018.04.050.
Zhao, Y.Q., Huang, B., and Song, H.H., 2018. A robust adaptive spatial and temporal image fusion model for complex land surface changes. Remote Sensing of Environment, 208: 42-62. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2018.02.009.
He, Q.Q. and Huang, B., 2018. Satellite-based mapping of daily high-resolution ground PM2.5 in China via space-time regression modeling, Remote Sensing of Environment, 206: 72-83. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2017.12.018.
Wei, J., Huang, B., Sun, L., Zhang, Z., Wang, L., and Bilal, M., 2017. A simple and universal aerosol retrieval algorithm for Landsat series images over complex surfaces. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122(24): 13,338-13,355. DOI: 10.1002/2017JD026922.
Meng, L. and Huang, B., 2017. Shaping the relationship between economic development and carbon dioxide emissions at the local level: Evidence from spatial econometric models. Environmental and Resource Economics, 71(1): 127-156. DOI: 10.1007/s10640-017-0139-2.
Cai, J.X., Huang, B., and Song, Y.M., 2017. Using multi-source geospatial big data to identify the structure of polycentric cities. Remote Sensing of Environment, 202: 210-221. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2017.06.039.
Teaching Fields
- Geographic Information Systems
- GIS for Transportation and Logistics
- Global Positioning Systems
Research interests
- Spatio-temporal data analytics
- GIS for sustainable urban/transportation/land use planning
- Unified image fusion for sustainable urban environment
- Spatial statistics for land use change modeling
- Multi-objective optimization for spatial planning with consideration of vulnerability and resilience
Services/ Posts
- Chang Jiang Scholar Chair Professor, Ministry of Education of PR China, Southwest Jiao Tong University (教育部長江學者講座教授)
- Associate Director, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science
- Director, MSc program in GeoInformation Science, CUHK
- President, Hong Kong Society of Remote Sensing (2015 – ~)
- President, Hong Kong GIS Association (2009 – 2012)
- Editor-in-Chief, Comprehensive Geographical Information Systems (Three-volume GIS sourcebook) (Elsevier, Oxford)
- Asia-Pacific Editor, International Journal of Geographical Information Science (Taylor & Francis)
- Executive Editor, Annals of GIS (Taylor & Francis)
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Sustainable Society (InderScience Publishers, UK)
- Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence (IGI Global, US)
- Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (IGI Global, US)
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Remote Sensing 遙感學報 (Science Press, China)
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Geography and GIS 地理與地理資訊科學
- Guest Editor, Change analysis. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 75(8), 2009.
- Guest Co-editor (with Li, J.) Web & Wireless GIS. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 73(6), 2005.
- Member, Taskforce of visualization for transportation, Transportation Research Board, US.
- Guest Professor, Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Science; Hohai University; State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping, Remote Sensing, Wuhan University; State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information Systems, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
- Chief Scientist, National Smart City Joint Laboratory, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China
- Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Social Science, CUHK, 2021-08.
- Gold Medal, “Measuring indoor and outdoor PM2.5 with a mobile phone,” International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva 2021, 2021-03.
- Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award 2020 (Second Class Award in Natural Sciences), Theory and methodology for spatiotemporal multi-scale data fusion, Ministry of Education (MoE), 2021.
- ICT Awards 2018 – Smart People Award, TouchAir: A mobile APP for real-time estimation of ubiquitous air pollution concentrations, Hong Kong, 2018.
- Best Paper Award, “A Hybrid Image Fusion Model for Generating High Spatial-Temporal-Spectral Resolution Data Using OLI-MODIS-Hyperion Satellite Imagery,” ICGRS 2017: 19th International Conference on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Rome, Italy, September 18-19, 2017.
- Research Excellence Award, CUHK, 2009
- Young Researcher Award, CUHK, 2011
- First Prize of the 2012 Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award (Basic Science), 2013
- 高校GIS創新人物獎, 2014
- Special Contribution Award on Satellite Image Fusion, 2014
- Chang Jiang Scholar (Chair Professor), Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China, 2016