

Prevention and mitigation of extreme weather hazards in the Greater Bay Area: Technology and policy (大湾区极端天气气候防灾减灾和适应的技术与对策)




The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen; Sun Yat-Sen University; University of Nottingham Ningbo; and Hong Kong Baptist University

Project period:

1/2020 – 12/2023

Funding source:

National Key R&D Program of China (国家重点研发计划) of Ministry of Science and Technology, China

Funded amount:

424,500 RMB


The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) is the fourth largest bay area in the world, and contributed about 11.8% of the national GDP of China in 2018. GBA is frequently affected by extreme weather events such as typhoons and rainstorms, posing a huge challenge for the sustainable development of this area. This project will (1) review the existing adaptation measures adopted in different cities of the GBA, (2) evaluate the socio-economic benefits of these measures, (3) examine the applicability of the state-of-the-art adaptation strategies with consideration of uncertainties associated with future projections in the GBA, and (4) provide policy and technical recommendations to GBA cities for mitigation and adaptation of future more extreme events. The project will consider both hard and soft measures and examine the effectiveness of these measures. Different types of extreme events, such as typhoons and rainstorms, can be correlated and may occur in sequence. The project will formulate prevention strategies for the co-occurrence of different types of extremes. The deliverables of this project include evaluation reports, technical guidelines, academic papers, etc.