Smart and sustainable planning: towards an integrated spatial approach
Prof. NG Mee Kam
A Multidisciplinary Study of Trail Degradation, Mechanism and Virtual Geographic Environment
Private: Prof. NG Sai Leung
Study on the Planning and Management of Hong Kong Geopark
Private: Prof. NG Sai Leung
Impact of Urban-rural Return Migration on Rural Economic Development in China–with Implications for Vietnam
Prof. SHEN Jianfa
How Can the Dragon Soar? An Interdisciplinary Approach to China’s Post-Reform Dialectics of State, Market and Space
Prof. XU Jiang
Transboundary air pollution in China and UK: Intensity, Attribution and Impacts
Prof. YIM Hung Lam, Steve
Prevention and mitigation of extreme weather hazards in the Greater Bay Area: Technology and policy (大湾区极端天气气候防灾减灾和适应的技术与对策)
Prof. YIM Hung Lam, Steve
Wind or Solar? The Political Economy of Fuel Competition between Renewables
Prof. XU Yuan
Matching CO2 Sources and Storage Sites along the Maritime Silk Road