Ms. Xueji SU

Research Student

Working toward a PhD in Laws, expected 2022

Having completed my bachelor’s degree at the Central University of financial and Economics, and following a master’s degree in European Union Law at the University of Macau, I began my doctoral work on laws at The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 1 September 2018. I am, at the same time, a practicing lawyer in Mainland China. My interest is in international economic law and interdisciplinary study of law and geoeconomics within the wider field of global governance. My working thesis title is ‘The Legal Framework of China-European Union Economic Relations-A Normative Analysis in the Context of the Belt and Road Initiative and China’s Evolving Economic Diplomacy.’ I aim to elaborate upon, and to evaluate, the normative process(es) of Sino-EU economic relations, including its potential to alter global governance.

Thesis Topic

Level Playing Field and State-Owned-Enterprises in EU-China Legal Interactions, co-supervised by Professors Chin Leng LIM and Sandra MARCO COLINO.



  • International Investment Law
  • World Trade Law
  • European Union Law
  • Global Governance
  • EU-China Relations


  • European University Institute, Certificate of European Union Law,Florence (Italy).
  • Master of Laws in European Union Law (English), University of Macau, Macau, 2017.
  • Bachelor of Laws, Central University of Finance and Economics, China, 2014.


  • Max Planck Luxembourg PhD Scholarships 2022.
  • IEEM Academic Prize for the academic year of 2016/2017.
  • Scholarship for Outstanding Scholars in European Union Law issued by European Academic Programme, 2015.


  • Phillip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition as member of the University of Macau team, Washington DC (March 2015).
  • Lee and Li Moot Court Competition at the Tsinghua University School of Law as member of the Central University of Finance and Economics team, Beijing (November 2012).


  • Xueji SU “Network-based Governance in the Belt and Road Initiative: A Chinese Approach to Institutionalization?” – Workshop on the Diplomacy of Silk Road Initiative, University of Nottingham, Ningbo Campus (October 2019).
  • Xueji SU “Identities and Norm conflicts of European Union and China ” – EUSAAP Conference, Shanghai (July 2019).
  • Xueji SU “Normative Power Europe and Normative Power China in the Belt and Road Initiative: conflict or complementary” – EUPLANT Conference, London (June 2019).
  • Xueji SU “Normative Power Europe and Normative Power China in the Belt and Road Initiative: conflict or complementary” – EUCROSS Conference, Washington D.C. (June 2019).
  • Xueji SU “The Legal Framework of EU-China Trade relations” – The Hong Kong Law Research Postgraduate Symposium”, Hong Kong (April 2018).


  • Xueji SU “EU-China Cooperation on Promoting Sustainable Development under the Belt and Road Initiative – Consensus Built on Divergence” in Stephen Minas (ed.) The European Union and China’s Belt and Road: Impact, Engagement and Competition. Palgrave Macmillan. (forthcoming).
  • Xueji SU “Normative Power Europe in the Belt and Road Initiative: Challenge for Constructing the Self or an Opportunity for Changing Others?” in Jan Wouters, Michelle Egan, Kolja Raube, Julien Chaisse (eds.) At the crossroads of world order: contestation, global governance and Europe.(forthcoming).