Department of Geography and Resource Management (GRM), The Chinese University of Hong Kong

External Projects


Hong Kong”s Logistics Industry Development: Development Strategies in the New Spatial Context of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; Principal investigator: SHEN, Jianfa; Sponsor: Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (PICO) - Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme; Date: 23 Sep 2019 to 22 Dec 2020; Amount: HKD 552,424

A Study of the Public”s Attitude Towards Violence and Vandalism in Transport Systems and Contingency Planning for Travel Mobility Demand in Hong Kong; Principal investigator: HE, Ying; Sponsor: Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (PICO) - Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme (Special Round); Date: 17 Apr 2020 to 16 Oct 2020; Amount: HKD 434,827

Investigating hearing-impaired visitor experience in Hong Kong Wetland Park from a perspective of a multi-sensory functional landscape; Principal investigator: CHAN, Chung Shing; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jan 2020 to 31 Dec 2021; Amount: HKD 678,150


Are Cities in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area Development Attractive to University Students in Hong Kong? From Perceived Image to Locational Decisions; Principal investigator: CHAN, Chung Shing; Sponsor: Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (PICO) - Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme; Date: 1 Mar 2019 to 31 May 2020; Amount: HKD 399,044

Tidal variability and nuisance flooding probabilities in the South China Sea related to sea level change; Principal investigator: HUANG, Bo; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jul 2018 to 30 Jun 2021; Amount: HKD 456,452

Continuous multi-angle remote sensing data: feature extraction and image classification; Principal investigator: FUNG, Tung; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jan 2019 to 30 Jun 2021; Amount: HKD 658,992

Reinventing ”Commons” in the New Territories, Hong Kong: Institutional Challenges and Planning Implications; Principal investigator: NG, Mee Kam; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jan 2019 to 31 Dec 2021; Amount: HKD 926,088

Increasing the Resilience to the Health Impacts of Extreme Weather on Elderly People under Future Climate Change; Principal investigator: LAU, Ngar Cheung; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - Research Impact Fund (RIF); Date: 24 Jun 2019 to 23 Jun 2022; Amount: HKD 6,742,960

Centre for Slope Safety; Principal investigator: HUANG, Bo; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - Areas of Excellence (AoE) Scheme; Date: 28 Mar 2019 to 27 Mar 2027; Amount: HKD 3,824,000

Comparing the Paths from Perceived Image to Locational Decisions by Hong Kong and Shenzhen University Students Across Cities in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; Principal investigator: CHAN, Chung Shing; Sponsor: 深圳市社會科學聯合會; Date: 21 Sep 2018 to 20 Sep 2020; Amount: RMB 180,000


The 2nd International Conference of Digital Belt and Road and the 3rd International Conference on Remote Sensing Applications in Tropical and Subtropical Areas; Principal investigator: LIN, Hui; Sponsor: Innovation & Technology Commission-General Support Program; Date: 15 Jul 2017 to 15 Dec 2017; Amount: HKD 325,128

Out-of-home Activities and Social Exclusion among Hong Kong’s Aging Population: a Study of the Elderly’s Activity-travel Patterns and its Implication on Well-being; Principal investigator: HE, Ying; Sponsor: Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (formerly known as CPU) - Public Policy Research Funding Scheme; Date: 15 Sep 2017 to 14 Sep 2018; Amount: HKD 397,853

Promoting e-mobility in Hong Kong: Institutional and Spatial Contexts, Public Acceptance, and the Location Choice of Public EV Charging Facilities; Principal investigator: HE, Ying; Sponsor: Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (PICO) - Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme; Date: 14 Dec 2017 to 13 Feb 2020; Amount: HKD 530,725

China”s Resource-based Cities in the Shrinking Paradigm: Population Change, Economic Revitalization, and Urban Liveability; Principal investigator: HE, Ying; Sponsor: Regional Studies Association (RSA) - Early Career Grant Scheme; Date: 1 Apr 2018 to 30 Sep 2019; Amount: HKD 110,600

An assessment of Hong Kong’s spatial planning in new towns from the perspectives of job accessibility, transport mobility patterns, and work-life balance; Principal investigator: HE, Ying; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jan 2018 to 31 Dec 2020; Amount: HKD 576,992


Remote Sensing of Infrastructural Dynamics and Early Warning of Risks for a Sustainable Build Environment; Principal investigator: LIN, Hui; Sponsor: AXA Research Fund - Postdoctoral Fellowship; Date: 1 Sep 2016 to 31 Aug 2018; Amount: HKD 1,115,400

Achieving Sustainable Urban Park Management in Hong Kong through the Development of Indicators; Principal investigator: CHAN, Chung Shing; Sponsor: Central Policy Unit - Public Policy Research Funding Scheme; Date: 1 Aug 2016 to 31 Oct 2017; Amount: HKD 340,786

Understanding the spatial planning of public EV charging facilities: A supply-side analysis in Hong Kong and Berlin; Principal investigator: HE, Ying; Sponsor: Germany/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme; Date: 1 Jan 2017 to 31 Dec 2018; Amount: HKD 89,600

Build and Operate a Ground Receiving Station of the ENVISAT Remote Sensing Satellite for All-weather Environmental Monitoring; Principal investigator: LIN, Hui; Sponsor: Innovation & Technology Commission - Innovation & Technology Support Program Public Sector Trial Scheme; Date: 1 Sep 2016 to 31 Aug 2018; Amount: HKD 3,448,000

Building Urban Perception Space based on Deep Learning; Principal investigator: LIN, Hui; Sponsor: National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC); Date: 1 Jan 2017 to 31 Dec 2020; Amount: RMB 650,000

Identifying significant factors affecting tranquillity in typical park landscapes in mainland China and Hong Kong; Principal investigator: MARAFA, Lawal Mohammed; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Nov 2016 to 30 Apr 2019; Amount: HKD 526,500

Formation and Transformation of the Modern Urban Art Scene: A Historical GIS Approach to the “Creative Milieu” of Republican Shanghai, 1912-1948; Principal investigator: LIN, Hui; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jan 2017 to 30 Jun 2019; Amount: HKD 225,640

Mapping High Mountain Asia glacier dynamics with bistatic interferometry and SAR imagery ?classification; Principal investigator: LIN, Hui; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jan 2017 to 31 Dec 2018; Amount: HKD 450,432

‘Responsive or Transformative Practice’? Strategic Spatial Planning in Hong Kong, Singapore and Shenzhen; Principal investigator: NG, Mee Kam; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jan 2017 to 30 Jun 2019; Amount: HKD 661,500

An Integrated Approach to Spatio-Temporal Profiling of Geographical Phenomena; Principal investigator: FUNG, Tung; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jan 2017 to 30 Nov 2019; Amount: HKD 1,063,984

Using big spatial data to support urban air pollution monitoring in real time; Principal investigator: HUANG, Bo; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jan 2017 to 30 Apr 2020; Amount: HKD 838,500

Environmental discourses in planning: towards a scaled discourse analysis for China’s inland cities; Principal investigator: XU, Jiang; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jan 2017 to 30 Nov 2020; Amount: HKD 505,100

Integrating satellite data for compliance monitoring on CO2, SO2 and NOx in China”s emission hotspots: A case study; Principal investigator: XU, Yuan; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jan 2017 to 31 Dec 2019; Amount: HKD 907,488

Integration of Urban Science and Urban Informatics for Smart Cities; Principal investigator: LEUNG Yee; Sponsor: The Croucher Advanced Study Institute; Date: 1 Aug 2016 to 30 Jun 2017; Amount: HKD 600,000


The national strategies in China and Germany to utilize solar energy and develop photovoltaic industries; Principal investigator: XU, Yuan; Sponsor: Germany/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme; Date: 1 Jan 2016 to 31 Dec 2017; Amount: HKD 89,600

Development of Comprehensive Methodologies for Paddy Rice Yield Monitoring Using ENVISAT ASAR; Principal investigator: LIN, Hui; Sponsor: Innovation & Technology Commission - Innovation & Technology Support Program Public Sector Trial Scheme; Date: 1 Mar 2016 to 30 Sep 2017; Amount: HKD 469,200

Development of Geographic-feature-based PSInSAR 3D Deformation Monitoring System; Principal investigator: LIN, Hui; Sponsor: ITF Internship; Date: 2 Nov 2015 to 17 Jun 2016; Amount: HKD 110,740

Assessing the regional climate and air quality impacts of secondary aerosol due to anthropogenic emissions in the Pearl River Delta region; Principal investigator: YIM, Hung Lam Steve; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - Early Career Scheme (ECS); Date: 1 Jan 2016 to 30 Jun 2019; Amount: HKD 537,700

Assessing the regional climate and air quality impacts of secondary aerosol due to anthropogenic emissions in the Pearl River Delta region; Principal investigator: YIM, Hung Lam Steve; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - ECS Grant / Award; Date: 1 Jan 2016 to 30 Jun 2019; Amount: HKD 50,000

Using Deep Learning to Support Urban Land Use Classification with Optical Imagery and LiDAR Data; Principal investigator: HUANG, Bo; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jul 2015 to 31 Oct 2018; Amount: HKD 585,000

Combining Hyperspectral Data and Canopy Height Data from Unmanned Airborne System (UAS) for Mangrove Habitat Mapping and Monitoring; Principal investigator: FUNG, Tung; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jan 2016 to 30 Jun 2018; Amount: HKD 547,691

Effects of Experimental Litterfall and Throughfall Manipulations on Soil Greenhouse Gas Exchange in a Subtropical Secondary Forest; Principal investigator: LAI, Yuk Fo; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jan 2016 to 30 Jun 2019; Amount: HKD 706,972

Sensing Urban Space: Correlation Analysis between Spatial Variables and Psychological State for Visual Quality Assessment; Principal investigator: LIN, Hui; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jan 2016 to 31 Dec 2018; Amount: HKD 719,992

Analyzing the process and determinants of uneven dual-track urbanization in China: The case of Fujian; Principal investigator: SHEN, Jianfa; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jan 2016 to 31 Dec 2018; Amount: HKD 558,265

Measuring and narrowing the gaps between reality and the ideal: residential black carbon mitigation in rural China; Principal investigator: XU, Yuan; Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) - General Research Fund (GRF); Date: 1 Jan 2016 to 31 Dec 2017; Amount: HKD 390,000